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Sunday, March 20th, 2011

    Time Event
    Hi! I'm Dammie! Jeia introduced me a couple of posts down- but yeah, I play the awesome Dimitri Belikov from the Vampire Academy Series (which you should all read).

    What else? I've been Roleplaying for 10 years, nearly. I started off in Yahoo Chat rooms and then played on private websites, LJ, GJ, DJ and IJ; I now only play on IJ or via Email/IM. Currently I play characters from the Vampire Academy Series (Richelle Mead), Twilight (Stephanie Meyer), Harry Potter (J.K Rowling), Maximum Ride (James Patterson) and The Fallen Series (Lauren Kate)- there are 18 of them at the moment, Including 3 other versions of Dimitri. But I can still be persuaded to play characters- I haven't finished my CDJ (which I apologize for), so If you'd like to know who I've played just ask, :). Um, I'm from Sydney Australia so time difference is probably going to be a little off.

    I think that is it other that: Dammie_m2001@yahoo.com and youaresane (on aim).

    Thank you and I look forward to playing here! :D
    RP so far
    Just trying to stay a bit organised...

    Luna's in two threads and I have another one with Boromir and Faramir so far. All's good.

    When you're recharged, we can rp the Sirius/Luna, Julie.

    There was some discussion about a Sookie and Liam Noble thread. I'll began that tomorrow then?

    And not at all least, Kitty I know we have to rp something. At least I haven't forgotten this. Perhaps something with Katrina van Tassel or I think I saw you have some western characters?

    Since I mentioned forgetting, did I forget someone or something?

    Ok, off to watch 'Help!'


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