Write Away - The People Behind the Madness' Journal
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Thursday, March 17th, 2011

    Time Event
    More muses drawn to the fires of rp
    Hi, I'm Sigi and I must confess my addiction to rp! Thanks to all of my enablers, lol.

    These are my muses who insist on having fun:

    Luna Lovegood (Evanna Lynch), who is a trio-era Harry Potter character of course. She wants to be 18 so I'll go with that flow and see what happens. She's working at the Quibbler post-Hogwarts. She can have out-of-time and out-of-place experiences. Being Luna, she should find it all very interesting rather than thinking she's gone mad.

    Boromir (Sean Bean) is from right after 'Fellowship of the Ring'. He thinks he's in the afterlife, no doubt. Just about any setting other than his own could be interpretted as heaven or hell or something inbetween by him.

    Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) comes from the point of 'Sleepy Hollow' where Katrina's stepmom sees them outside the windmill and she hides the Horseman's skull behind her back. I'm making it AU by having Ichabod get the skull then. After the Horseman returns, Ichabod vanishes into a thread with whomever wants to rp with him.

    Col. Douglas Mortimer (Lee Van Cleef) is from after 'For a Few Dollars More', 1889.

    And I have an OC, Capt. Liam Noble (Ben Chaplin), a steampunk era commander of an airship. He's from Scotland and 30 years old in the year 1865.

    [info]chimeless_clock Doctor Who fandom
    Doctor 10 (David Tennant) comes in from between 'Journey's End' and 'Planet of the Dead', during which time he'd been imprisoned by Daleks and rescued by the Thirteenth Doctor (David Bowie) and a new version of the TARDIS which is inspired by 8's steampunkish decor.

    The Beatles lifted right from 1965 and the HELP!verse. John is 24, Paul and George are 22, and Ringo is 25.

    Edit 20 March '11
    Eowyn is played from this journal, set around the time of the Houses of Healing.

    I will probably pick up another LOTR character or two in this journal.

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