Posts Tagged: 'rogue+%28risky_touch%29'

Jan. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

I should put this out there right now.

If you meet me, for the love of sanity, do not try to shake my hand. Or hug me.

Friendly people are great and all but I really do not need the migraine.



[No Subject]

I have had some pretty weird things happen to me, but this is probably by far one of the weirdest so far.

Anyway, hi, everyone. I'm Kara Danvers.

Jan. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

I'm trying to decide if this even manages to rank on my weird scale. Probably not, though, I've been to some pretty weird places, by pretty weird methods of travel. I think this might actually rank at the bottom of the list.

Sorta anyways. Usually I can get home from wherever.

I suppose I should have manners - I'm Rogue