
Hey guys, Chrissy here with a couple of new characters to introduce you all to.

First up is Olivia Martin, older sister of the one and only Lydia Martin. She went away to college and majored in both music education and foreign language education (Latin), so she's going to be teaching music and is a substitute Latin teacher.

My other new one is an AU version of the Doctor from Doctor Who. He's in his 13th regeneration and is AU from the end of season 7.

As always, you can reach me on AIM at crazypandaiscrazy. ♥




So okay, you're probably all wondering who the hell I am. I'm Chrissy aka Panda aka the mod aka...too many nicknames. I'm 29 going on 100 and have been RPing for what seems like for-freaking-ever. I used to be big in the HP fandom, but I don't really play there anymore. Anyways, here's the list of my crew:

→ The ever lovable Stiles Stilinski, Teen Wolf.
→ I WILL ALWAYS BE AN ALPHA! Peter Hale, Teen Wolf.
→ The ever adorable Isaac Lahey, Teen Wolf.
→ Fuck with me and I'll stick an arrow through your skull Hope Grimes, The Walking Dead
→ More than just a vet, Alan Deaton, Teen Wolf.
→ The jackass to end all jackasses, Jackson Whittemore, Teen Wolf.
→ If I want the curly fries, I will have the damn curly fries, Michael Stilinski, Teen Wolf.
→ The Omega that got left behind, Chloe Walker, Teen Wolf OC.
→ An adorable 12 year old, Rue, The Hunger Games
→ He'll put you in amazing outfits, Cinna, The Hunger Games
→ The mockingjay herself, Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games.
→ Mr. Suit and I are One, Tony Stark, Marvel/Iron Man/Avengers.
→ Pureblood witch directly from Hogwarts, Anna Henderson, Harry Potter OC.
→ The boy with the demon blood, Sam Winchester, Supernatural.
→ He who likes to sit in his nest, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Marvel/Avengers.
→ An angel of the Lord, Castiel, Supernatural.

Plot, death threats, enemies, people to be friends with are all love. Poke me on AIM at crazypandaiscrazy or hit me up on Twitter at @wolfedoutpanda. LOVE! ♥