August 20th, 2013

[info]feellikejumping in [info]beaconhills_ooc

HAI EVERYBODY (HI DR NICK!)I'm Michelle and I bring you the gift of a butt load of characters, so here goes.

The first one is Sam Tyler, from the original UK version of Life On Mars. He's a DI (Detective Inspector) for the police, until a car accident where he ended up in a coma, and somehow wound up in 1973 under Gene Hunts rule. So he might be a bit...confused at first considering he was just getting used to being stuck in the past. He's coming in from the ep 2x05 "Overdose." I might not play him right away, however, because I'm in serious need of re-watching the entire show to brush up on his muse.

Secondly is one of my favorites: Bugs Bunny! ([info]stuffof_legend)If you don't know who Bugs is, FOR SHAME!. Secondly he's a rabbit-turned-human, has the tendency to talk alot, and will always have a carrot somewhere on his person. He's also PB'd by Dane cook, and is coming in Post Loony Tunes but pre-Loony Tunes Show because of various reasons.

My next pup is Cap'n America ([info]alwaysfnshfirst)AKA Steve Rogers. Most of his info is in his journal, but the short story is he was a super solider frozen in the 40's and just recently unthawed. He's also part of the Avengers, and is coming post movie.

Fourth is one of my semi-newest: Vince Noir, from the Mighty Boosh! He's basically a dabbler in everything, lives in his best mates shop and works there for money, in between moon lighting as a part time singer-traveler-zoo keeper. He's also used to various, creepy, people mistaken him for a woman, or just being confused and hitting on him anyway so feel free to bother him!

Second to last is my SPN Pup, and Cas's baby bro: Raguel! He's, technically, still an angel despite being from the finale. So he will just be confused by humans, technology, and basically the human world in general. He's also played by Joshua Jackson.

Lastly, but never least, is my other rare favorite to play. Antha Mayfair ([info]hasinvsblfriend)Antha is from the Anne Rice Novel: The Mayfair Chronicles, but she's barley a blurb in the long run of things. Basically, she comes from a long, long, line of what were considered 'witches' because they could do various, special things (healing, telekinesis, teleportation, etc)Antha in particular can read minds, though being so young she can't control and will get bits and pieces from some, and loads of stuff from other(though her ability doesn't work on other telepaths or people with really strong mental blocks.).She can also see ghosts, but that power is mostly hard to use for her unless she concentrates, so it'll probably never come up. It was also hinted that she abused and neglected, so don't feel bad if she hides if your pups try to talk to her. Unless you happen to be a werewolf IN WHICH SHE WILL HUG YOU AND WANT TO HAVE TEA PARTIES. Because she's used to supernatural things, given her family is powerful, and very dangerous and fucked up.(She's also 8, in case I forgot to mention that earlier)

[EDIT:]It's late so naturally I forgot someone. I also have Kara Stilinski, Stiles mom! ([info]hasherloyalties). She's pre-series, is a SPN/Teen wolf crossover pup. Basically, she's Mary's older sister who was never spoken of after she quite 'the life' and moved away. She's coming from 4x03 "In the Beginning" and is pb'd by Kristine Sutherland.

That's everyone, I think. If you want to plot with any of my pups feel free to hunt me down on aim withabrokenwings is where you can find me most of the times. Usually I'm on, and even if I'm not, all the IMs go to my phone.

Questions/comments/death threats