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Connor/Murphy update [Feb. 17th, 2014|06:40 pm]

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And the Voice spoke through them by Goodbyemyfancy
Summary:Murphy and Connor come to terms with the Voice of God speaking to them in the jail cell. Sexual fantasies and unresolved desires for one another.

Ask Connor by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary:Super short. Super sweet. Connor is thinking about things people ask him.

Bleed It Dry by insanechayne--spn/boondock saints

Counting Stars by TheDeadAreWalking
“Murphy can’t see him, but he has a clear mental picture of Connor sitting on his own bed, smirk on his face, dick in hand, as he heckles and coaches Murphy. “

Come on brother by antarshakes

Firsts by ReedusFan
Summary:Connor was first. He was always first. As far back as they could both remember, Connor led the way & Murphy happily followed his twin brother. Series of drabbles into the first experiences of the MacManus twins.

Forbidden by MacManusChick
Summary: Murphy discovers that what he's always wanted has been with him all along, his twin brother Connor. But Connor has no idea. Does he? Murphy tries to hide his feelings, tries to be something he's not, tries to be just a brother. But that doesn't work out too well.

Looking for Sanctuary by Goodbyemyfanc
Summary:On the road, the twins stop for a well needed night of rest in a motel, plus a change of clothes. Partial stripping and voyeurism ensues.

MacManus Songs by TheDeadAreWalking

Quiet by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary:It's quiet

Return by ReedusFan
Summary:Murphy disappeared without a trace when he was 10 years old. Six years later and Connor & Ma are still searching for him, still heartbroken, still desperate to find him. A teenage boy who looks eerily like Murphy is finally identified as possibly being the missing youth, but is it him? What has he been through?

Tonight by merr

The daily sex-anigans of the MacManus brothers

Vigilante Justice, Prejudice and Pride by steelplatedhearts
Summary: He waits for a moment, staring up at the fluorescent lighting. There is no vision, no lightning bolt or flood of water, but there’s a certainty in his soul that no matter what else happens, he will not have to face it without Murphy.

Wonder by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary: Connor wonders.
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Connor /Murphy update [Dec. 2nd, 2013|05:17 pm]

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10 things Murphy (mostly) knows about Connor, and 1 thing neither of them are really sure of by jamnesias
Summary: Connor prays in Russian when he's angry, Latin when he's reticent, and Gaelic when he's pissed. He sometimes dreams in other languages, too. When he dreams about work, about their day to day life, it's in French. When he dreams of waking Murphy up by biting the muscle along his inner thighs, it's in Italian.

A Little Taste Of Heaven by insanechayne
Summary:Murphy works on dinner while Connor works on Murphy.

A Saints Confessions by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary:Connor has his doubts about love.

Childhood Memories by mrsdarylbadassdixon
Summary:Connor and Murphy have just crossed that line they should not have crossed in their relationship. They pushed their mattresses together. Awake in the middle of the night, Murphy remembers sweet memories of his childhood with his brother.

Dear Murphy by BustersJezebel
Summary:Connor responds to a letter Murphy has written him. PLEASE NOTE: This letter contains explicit thoughts containing slash and incest. If you don't like or are offended by this, please DO NOT read Connor's letter. I claim no ownership of Boondock Saints in anyway shape or form.

Forbidden by MacManusChick
Summary:Murphy discovers that what he's always wanted has been with him all along, his twin brother Connor. But Connor has no idea. Does he? Murphy tries to hide his feelings, tries to be something he's not, tries to be just a brother. But that doesn't work out too well.

Heads Or Tails by insanechayne
Summary:The boys are bored one Saturday and decide to play a game that turns sexual.

Light 'Em Up by insanechayne
Summary:Connor and Murphy celebrate 4th of July with fireworks and kisses.

Mother by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary:The mother of twin boys. She really didn't think much of it.

Natural Progression by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary:They've only been together forever so it's only natural things happen.

No One's Gonna Love You by ender4
Summary:Connor and Murphy MacManus were separated when they were only a few months old. Now that his Da has been arrested, Connor finds out that not only is his Ma alive, but that he has a twin brother as well. Murphy's life is turned upside down when his Ma reveals that she gave birth to twins, and both boys begin a tumultuous relationship that starts with hatred and turns into something else, something forbidden.

The Confession by insanechayne
Summary:It's time for Connor and Murphy's high school class to go to confession for the week. But Murphy has a secret that he can't tell anyone, except, maybe, his brother

The Small Print by jamnesias
Summary: Post-film, AU that ignores BDS2.Aequitas and Veritas, taken more literally. Connor can no longer speak lies; Murphy can't see anything except justice, to do or be done.

Turnabout by hailtherandom
Summary:"They know better than to steal from stores, to con good people out of what they can't pay for. They weren't raised like that. It tests them, yes. They walk quickly past stores late at night, collars turned up and sunglasses on, glancing at ads for dinners they haven't eaten in ages and trying not to listen to the unsettled discomfort brewing in their bodies." Connor takes care of Murphy; when he can't anymore, Murphy takes care of Connor.

UNO by insanechayne
Summary:"Headcanon: The boys play UNO. Connor is very competitive. Murphy decides to make the game more exciting

Whisper Something Fragile by relativelystupid
Summary:If you asked Murphy if he'd rather settle down or just keep on shooting baddies, he'd tell you straight away that he'd rather take a bullet than have a kid.

You Gotta Come to Me With Your Arms Outstretched and on Your Knees by hailtherandom
Summary: He steels himself and he releases Murphy's chin and instead rests his hand on his brother's cheek and murmurs, "I can forgive you."
"You're not God, Connor!" Murphy bites out.
"I could be," Connor replies softly. "For you. I could be, if you needed me to."
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bds recs update July 30, 2013, [Jul. 30th, 2013|09:01 pm]

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Always by Iwasallbymyself (Connor/Murphy)word count: 1,104
Summary: "Connor knows that he is the older brother, always protecting his twin, scolding and lecturing him when he is too hotheaded, making fun of him. Always holding him close and making the tears and the pain go away. " "Murphy used to whimper just like that when he was a boy, scared of the dark and the nightmares that always seemed to be with him."

Bds_drabble by theweirdingway(Connor/Murphy)
notes: i could not for the life of me think of a title...hahahahaha

Double Trouble by NightlyOwl103(Connor/Murphy)word count: 2,655 so far
Summary: A set of short drabbles that are focused on the MacManus brothers, Connor and Murphy. Some drabbles may contain slashy twincest and/or brotherly fluff.

Gorged Out by Kacey (Connor/Murphy)
A/N: I wrote this because I miss mah best friend. :( I dont get to talk to her very much anymore. And since shes the Murphy to my Connor, I wrote this for her. :*( Miss ya, empathicfrost.

Parallels by zehara(Connor/Murphy)
Notes: Written for the "hurt" challenge.

Star Wars by Kacey(Connor/Murphy)
a/n: Theyre like... teens, yeah. This is really really strange.Ive had this idea for a while but its so weird, I resisted writing it. Duno why I changed my mind.

Words, Just Words by goodtwin(Connor/Murphy)
Summary: More 100-word drabbles based on random words suggested by various people. ~hugs them~ Dedicated to anyone who reads them. ;)
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Bds update [Mar. 25th, 2013|07:39 pm]

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Cos It's a Sin by QueenLiver(Connor/Murphy) Summary:The story is basically a summary. T for some more cuddling and the use of the word "pussy".

Everything by Sith Happens(Connor/Murphy) Summary:The MacManus Twins are everything to each other... short drabble in answer to a challenge by DreamsDie, rated M because I can't remember if I cursed in it or not haha
Also, implied slashiness

Everything is Ok by zanglestarConnor/Murphy) Summary:An extremly short one shot based on Conners thoughts.

Murphy and chocolate(Chocolate Spells drabble) by Goodtwin (Connor/Murphy) Summary:Chocolate Spells, pg (one naughty word ~l~), 109 words

My Turn by QueenLiver(Connor/Murphy) Summary:Twincest blah blah blah RRR. Haha. Sorry it took so long but this is six pages I just didn't, and still don't, think were, are, right.
second part

Stress Relief by Sith Happens (Connor/Murphy) Summary:Very short drabble inspired by Pink's "U Ur Hand" but probably not quite what you think. Rated M for implied slashy-yumminess and one dropped F-bom

The Effects of Spontaneity by Sith Happens (Connor/Murphy) Summary:In answer to a challenge by Spontaneity. Rated M for M'mm slashy-goodness and the usual MacManus cursing

The Outsider Looking In by Sith Happens (Connor/Murphy) Summary:Answer to another challenge by A Hotter Kiss A Better Touch. Rated M for implied slashy goodness

There is No Greater Love by betty-boo (Connor/Murphy) Summary:One shot loosely based on the Amy Winehouse song. Between and Murphy and Connor there is no greater love. Implied slash, Rated M to be safe.

Want, Need, Love by QueenLiver(Connor/Murphy) Summary:Rated for some hXc brotherly love. Oh and a couple F bombs.

Where to Begin by by QueenLiver(Connor/Murphy) Summary:Rated for some hXc brotherly love.
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W Recs (BDS) [Mar. 21st, 2013|09:36 pm]





Waking Up by eviltwin(Connor/Murphy)Summary: Murphy hypnotises Connor.

Wake Up Call by Nicholas de Vilance  (Connor/Murphy)Summary:I hate wakin' up in the mornin' unless me brother's there ta make it a wonderful experience.

Wait by t4int3d_h34rt  (Connor/Murphy)Summary: A thought from Connor in church

Wash Away by sungmins_wifey (Connor/Murphy)Summary: The Twins just wish for the rain to wash it all away.

What comes around, goes around. by jacynrebekah (gen, slash) (Connor/Murphy)Summary : A drabblish bit for my darling speshope

What Fact, Heavenly Mansion? by mailroomy (Connor/Murphy)Summary:Smecker doesn't know whether to praise the day he got sent to Boston or curse it with all his might. (warnings for: sweary words, twin-smarm, possible-AU)

What you do when you are called by johnnypurple (Connor/Murphy)Summary: Connor was in the shower, scrubbing the blood off his body and watching as it went down the drain, mixed with soapy water. Three snippets from the brothers’ life.

Where They Deserve to Go by abi z  (Connor/Murphy)Summary:There was blood and guts and now there's night.

Where You End and I Begin by Kaz | mickey_sixx (Connor/Murphy)Summary :One soul in two bodies

While It's Hot by Goodtwin(Connor/Murphy) --goes through wayback and you need to give it a minute to load-- Summary: Water's warm. Drabble

Whiskey Soaked by puchuupoet (Connor/Murphy)Summary:The Apocalypse is over, and almost all is right with the world. Sam and Dean are back to hunting the things that go bump in the night, in the hopes that it will fix the rift that's growing between them

With Thy Saints Surrounded by Fluffyllama  (Connor/Murphy)Summary:Landed with a mysterious teenager, Connor and Murphy do the only thing they can - take him into the family business.

Why Connor has a few more wrinkles than Murphy by paper_wrangler f (Connor/Murphy)Summary :

Without You by ween_e (Connor/Murphy)Summary:Connor and Murphy are 17 years old. They are in High School still (Seniors, to be exact.) A bit of angst and teen drama. Still not sure if I'm going to make this a real story or just a oneshot.

Who is Norman? by betty-boo (Connor/Murphy)Summary:Murphy has a tattoo of another man's name on his chest. Just who is Norman and what does he mean to the brothers? WARNING: Implied slash. ONESHOT.

Wonderful by EricaLumiere (Connor/Murphy)Summary:Connor and Murphy have an argument, Murphy is left alone to think.

Written In Red by reddreams(Connor/Murphy)Toppy!Murphy--which was odd but strangly hot.

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