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Connor/Murphy update [Feb. 17th, 2014|06:40 pm]

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And the Voice spoke through them by Goodbyemyfancy
Summary:Murphy and Connor come to terms with the Voice of God speaking to them in the jail cell. Sexual fantasies and unresolved desires for one another.

Ask Connor by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary:Super short. Super sweet. Connor is thinking about things people ask him.

Bleed It Dry by insanechayne--spn/boondock saints

Counting Stars by TheDeadAreWalking
“Murphy can’t see him, but he has a clear mental picture of Connor sitting on his own bed, smirk on his face, dick in hand, as he heckles and coaches Murphy. “

Come on brother by antarshakes

Firsts by ReedusFan
Summary:Connor was first. He was always first. As far back as they could both remember, Connor led the way & Murphy happily followed his twin brother. Series of drabbles into the first experiences of the MacManus twins.

Forbidden by MacManusChick
Summary: Murphy discovers that what he's always wanted has been with him all along, his twin brother Connor. But Connor has no idea. Does he? Murphy tries to hide his feelings, tries to be something he's not, tries to be just a brother. But that doesn't work out too well.

Looking for Sanctuary by Goodbyemyfanc
Summary:On the road, the twins stop for a well needed night of rest in a motel, plus a change of clothes. Partial stripping and voyeurism ensues.

MacManus Songs by TheDeadAreWalking

Quiet by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary:It's quiet

Return by ReedusFan
Summary:Murphy disappeared without a trace when he was 10 years old. Six years later and Connor & Ma are still searching for him, still heartbroken, still desperate to find him. A teenage boy who looks eerily like Murphy is finally identified as possibly being the missing youth, but is it him? What has he been through?

Tonight by merr

The daily sex-anigans of the MacManus brothers

Vigilante Justice, Prejudice and Pride by steelplatedhearts
Summary: He waits for a moment, staring up at the fluorescent lighting. There is no vision, no lightning bolt or flood of water, but there’s a certainty in his soul that no matter what else happens, he will not have to face it without Murphy.

Wonder by TheDeadAreWalking
Summary: Connor wonders.
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bds update 3/30/2013 [Mar. 30th, 2013|01:56 am]

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All I Want for Christmas by Nicholas de Vilance (Connor/Murphy)Summary:We should make Christmas lists, like Ma used to make us do.

Remember When by Doppeltrolle(Connor/Murphy)Summary:Long-buried memories are forced to the surface in hopes of reconciliation.

Rusty Water - Fanart by Ponderosa(art)(Connor/Murphy)Summary: Ponderosa's slashy art, Fanart. Blood and bruises and Connor lighting his cigarette with Murphy's. Mildly NSFW in that Murphy's soaking in a bathtub. Somewhat of a redraw of a 2008 piece.

Saturday Routine by Sith Happens (Connor/Murphy)Summary:In response to an annonymous challenge. Rated M for slash and the infamous MacManus cursing. Sundays mean Church, but Saturdays can be just as sacred.

Tell Me by Sith Happens (Connor/Murphy) Summary:Answer to a challenge by A Hotter Kiss A Better Touch. Rated M for Mucho Graphic-ness and slashy-yumminess. Hope you enjoy

Unmistakable Calm by Nicholas de Vilance (Connor/Murphy)Summary:This is to be a collection of fluffy, slashy fics of Conn and Murph. Yeah, that's what it is. Story five: Song Fic to Your Body is a Wonderland. Murphy takes Connor on a date.
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U recs (BDS) [Mar. 21st, 2013|09:27 pm]





Unfazed by idiosyncratic (Connor/Murphy) Summary: A little ink

Ulterior Motives by Mandi(Connor/Murphy)Summary: Murphy has a plan...The story's got humor cuz I like humor...

Understanding by Angel(Connor/Murphy)Summary: Twins have a bond others can't understand.

Unspoken by dramady(Connor/Murphy)Summary:It is as ever shall be

Untitled by tacks (Connor/Murphy)Summary: He tries not to move when his brother tilts his head and starts to write, quickly, silently, on the slope of his side, even though his muscles skip shiver at the pen at first.

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