Links for the Bring Back the Porn Challenge

August 2022



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September 2nd, 2007



Art: "LOL Pixies" (OC/OC, R)

Title: LOL Pixies
Author: Naked Bee [info]nakedbee
Fandom/Pairing: HP OC/OC
Rating: R
Word Count: n/a
Summary: My kitchen is apparently harboring an infestation of Pornish Pixies!
Disclaimer: No pixies were harmed in the making of this photo
Warnings: none
Beta: none

LOL Pixies



[No Subject]

Title: Some Explanations Are Better Than Others
Author: mindabbles
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,000
Summary: I don’t know if I can do this with them watching me. It’s decidedly too peculiar.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JKR.
Beta: sec38
Written for the Bring Back the Porn Challenge. Thanks to the_minx_17 for putting this together.



FIC: Buffy, Spike/Xander

Title: Special Toy
Author: [info]darkhavens
Fandom/Pairing: Buffy - Spike/Xander with a side of Drusilla
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1178
Summary: He can't speak, can't scream, can't even think clearly. He knows there's something wrong with being here, being naked, on a bed with someone - vampire - beside him and another on his back.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Highlight for Warnings: * Underage, non-con*

Special Toy

Art: Five Minutes to Matlock (HP, H/D)

Title: Five Minutes to Matlock
Artist: [info]sulky_rhino
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter, Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Characters - not mine. Money – not making any. Infringement – not intended.
Dedication: To Livejournal. Thank you for giving me inspiration for this piece. If it weren't for you I'd never have done it! :D (And aren't you happy about that? :P)
Highlight for Warnings: * Porn, a picture of Matlock. *

Five Minutes to Matlock

FIC: Another Night at the Loft (Brian/Justin, NC-17)

Squeezing in a late entry, hope that's all right :-)

Title: Another Night at the Loft
Author: Etharei
Fandom: Queer as Folk
Timeline: gapfiller 105
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Queer as Folk and all the characters and situations featured therein are the property of Showtime, Cowlip Productions and their affiliates. I’m only borrowing them for purely non-profit, recreational purposes, and promise to replenish the condom and lube supply when I’m done.
Summary: “A fuck is a fuck, right?” Justin straightens up to a sitting position. “So fuck me instead.”
Author's note: Written for Bring Back the Porn

( Another Night at the Loft )

Fic: HP: What Tomorrow Brings, Fred/George, NC-17

Title: What Tomorrow Brings
Author: [info]harleen
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter: Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1000
Summary: Fred is going home from St. Mungo's in the morning, and he and George celebrate this in their own special way.
Disclaimer: I don't own them and no money is being made from this.
Highlight for Warnings: * Twincest, mentions of het, hospital bed sex. This is canon compliant to Deathly Hallows until page 636, after that it is AU. So, yes, there are some spoilers here. *
Beta: Myself due to lack of time, all mistakes are my own.

What Tomorrow Brings

Art: HP - Innocent Harry

Title: Innocent
Author: [info]eyesemerald
Fandom: HP
Rating: R? NC17?
Summary: Innocent Harry’s backside is just too beautiful not to be painted…
Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Innocent Harry



FIC: Heat and Light; Hermione/Luna, NC-17

Title: Heat and Light
Author: [info]jadzia7667
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter - Hermione/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2695
Summary: Hermione drowses by the pond...then she awakens
Disclaimer: Not mine. The characters belong to JKR. No money is made from this work of fiction that contains fictional characters from a fictional universe.
Highlight for Warnings: * Ignores the epilogue. Graphic oral sex. Outdoor sex. First time. *
Beta: Unbeta'd, but proofed properly and revised twice.

Heat and Light



Fic: Recollections of a Happily Owned Girl - Part 3

Title: Recollections of a Happily Owned Girl - Part 3: Kissing Leather
Author: [info]not_yet_defined
Fandom/Pairing: Original fic, F/F/F
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: Part 3 is 670
Summary: Written in response to the challenge, 3rd part of a PWP WIP about one night in the life of a happily owned girl. Links to Parts 1 and 2 are available at the begining of part 3
Highlight for Warnings: * BDSM *

Part 3: Kissing Leather

[No Subject]

Title: Artistic Merit
Author: [info]pikkalam_sri
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter, Ginny/Luna
Rating: R
Word Count: 142
Summary: Ginny and Luna sneak back into Hogwarts for a bit of fun …
Disclaimer: All characters and settings are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling.
Highlight for Warnings: * Unbeta’d, femmeslash crack *
Beta: None

Artistic Merit



Fic - Final Fantasy VIII (Squall/Zell)

Title: Right Here
Author: [info]nanthimus
Fandom/Pairing: Final Fantasy VIII - Squall/Zell
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 455
Summary: After a hard day's work, Squall and Zell relax in the shower.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Square Enix!
Highlight for Warnings: *ridiculous fluff, fucking without lube?*
Beta: Myself, over and over. And over.

Right Here



[No Subject]

This was written for Bring Back the Porn, and is slightly late due mostly to my drooling over the awesome Lucius at DragonCon.
It's in two parts, the first part from Harry's POV and the second from Lucius's.
Hope you enjoy!
Title:A Night at Malfoy Manor
Author: [info]melfinatheblue
Fandom/Pairing:AU Potterverse Lucius Malfoy/Lily Potter
Word Count:1659
Summary:Lily's marrying Lucius. Harry walks in on something he shouldn't.
Disclaimer:I own nothing. JK owns everything.
Highlight for Warnings: * *

A Night at Malfoy Manor



Fic: Harry Potter - A Fine Line (DM/HP, NC17)

Title: A Fine Line
Author: [info]hpstrangelove
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter - DM/HP
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6770
Summary: Draco captures Harry, Draco tortures Harry, Draco forces Harry to have sex, Harry enjoys it, and they all live happily ever after.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowling. No monetary profit made on this story.
Warning: (Just about everything I could think of that would violate Live Journal’s TOS) Rape, bondage, torture, spanking, nipple torture, the boys are in sixth year (so you do the math), PWP with no artistic merit, spoilers for HBP but NOT DH.
Beta: None (so feel free to point out any and all mistakes in a constructive manner)

AN Note: Written for the September 1, 2007 Insane Journal Bring Back the Porn Challenge [info]bbtp_challenge and [info]annephoenix, whose birthday I missed back on 19-August. I could never hope to torture Harry the way she can, but I certainly tried.

Posted at my IJ on time with a minute to spare! But I couldn't figure out how to do a cut until now - oh well. I'd still rather be here than on LJ.

A Fine Line



Fic: Harry Potter, Zacharias/Terry

Title: Has No Title Yo
Author: [info]keieeeye
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter, Zacharias/Terry
Rating: NC-17. Shameless porn.
Word Count: Short.
Summary: When Zacharias wants something, he gets it.
Disclaimer: I have a much longer disclaimer/explanation on the actual post, but basically none of them are mine, especially Terry.
Highlight for Warnings: * BOYSEX *

It sort of felt like Terry should have been surprised to find Zacharias on his doorstep...



Hogwarts House Unity

Title: House Unity
Author: [info]inamac
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter (no pairing - possibly a foursome?)
Rating: Iimplied NC17 - can be read as Gen - to the pure all things are pure)
Word Count: 75
Summary: Musings on the attributes of Hogwarts Houses
Disclaimer: House names = Rowling's. Text = Ina's. Not for profit.
Warnings: Verse. And probably not nearly p0rny enough for this challenge.
Beta: unbetaed




*blows the whistle*

Posting is now closed.

WOW! Over 200 posts! I'm having coffee and tagging and then will give you all the low down on how many of what we had.

Thank you, guys! This was so much fun and OMG the porn. Fandom is one of a kind!

*squishes you all*



Numbers, Icons, and Thank Yous! Oh my!

* The Numbers... (drumroll, if you please)

After tagging each entry, the final count by fandom is: )

* The Icons...

For each of you that participated and helped make this such an explosive hit, I say thank you. Here are two icons that, if you wish, are your to use.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

* And, the Thank Yous...

There is a list and if I were to attempt to name everyone individually I'd never be done (and there is porn waiting, damn it *g*). So, the majors-

[info]witchdragon- you have been a constant in my journal. *hugs* A comment from you started this and now, as I see SO many fandoms and fics and drawings, all I can say is 'Thanks, babe!'

[info]jadzia7667- Thanks for listening to me, and helping beta out fics, and just being an all around good friend. *squishes you*

[info]lilithilien- You jumped in with both feet and pimped and made banners and... and... and... amazing lady! Truly.

Two mods - [info]mythicdove of [info]dimensions and [info]not_yet_defined of [info]kinky_and_queer - offered input, the use of their comms, and pimped like wild things. Thanks so much!

To all of the comms out there (and, no, I don't know them all) that held challenges that included this one - THANK YOU!! Please, please, please leave a comment here so I can pimp your comms out.

And, most importantly, FANDOM. You guys rock hard! Seriously.

A master list, linking directly into personal journals, will be up later.

I'm going to read porn now...

*hearts you all*



Fic: No Risk Involved

A day late because I only found this asylum today! Heard about the challenge through the grapevine, and posted to my journal yesterday. Anybody who wants a copy of my animated icon is welcome. Please don't archive the fic without my permission. Ta :)

Title: No Risk Involved
Author: [info]twisted_reach
Fandom/Pairing: Spike/Tara
Word Count: 4302
Summary: Set BtVS season 6, when Spike and Buffy's "relationship" was still going on, and Tara and Willow were separated. Spike gets an unexpected visitor and an even more unexpected proposition.
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, but Joss said we could play with them. Thank you, Joss!
Highlight for Warnings: Just consensual adult sex - no kink (sorry, I've not written explicit before, walking before I run here!).

No Risk Involved




Did you post a fic to your journal but not link it here? Know of someone who did?

Were you running late because RL blows up sometimes?

Now is your chance - post your header info and a link to the fic/art/whathaveyouthatisporny here in comments. I will be doing the master list later and would like to have all posts for the challenge- here in the comm or not. *g*

Late Art Entry: 90 Years Later (R, NWS)

Title: 90 Years Later
Artist: [info]blackcoyote
Fandom/Pairing-s: HP, Snape/Harry, Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: Hard R, Not Work Safe
Challenges: For IJ's September 1 2007 [info]bbtp_challenge Bring Back the Porn Challenge.
Warnings: M/M Slash, Non-Graphic Sex scene, Male Genitalia, Cross-gen (adult partners), Elderly!smut, Invasion of Privacy, Stick Figures (sort of).
Summary: 90 years after the war, Albus Severus and Scorpius still found that living with Paintings could be inconvenient at times.
Disclaimer: The characters & settings in this picture (c) J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic, and Warner Brothers. This artist recognises that this image and scenario is a derivative work that departs from and does not follow the original Canon.
Notes: Set 90 years after Voldemort's defeat, & after Harry himself has died and his Painting hung in Hogwarts and/or Harry's home alongside Snapes'; This is my awnser to those who believe that all slash/homosexuality/cross-gen ships/ships between characters who are introduced as children in the original Canon must therefore = pedophilia. As you can see, everyone in this picture is over 18 years of age, in fact Snape would now be the youngest one out of them all.

Go Here to See

HP smut drawbles, second batch

Title: HP smut drawbles, second batch
Author: [info]mayflo
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter / Miscellaneous
Rating: ADULT
Word Count: n/a
Summary: n/a
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any money, and no copyright infringement intended
Highlight for Warnings: *explicit m/m sex, crossdressing*
Beta: none

HP smut drawbles: second batch