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Thursday, May 21st, 2009

    Time Event
    Team Anarchy-Round 9-"The Date, Part V"--fic

    Original poster: ragcat

    Title: The Date, Pt. V
    Author: Ragcat
    Prompt: Carve Your Name Into My Arm--Every Me and Every You, Placebo
    Word Count: 2921
    Disclaimer: I don't own Batman, Joker, or DC Comics or Nolanverse anything.
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Oral Sex,Slash, Language, Ouch-y things
    Summary: Bruce has an unexpected series of unwelcome visitors.

    Part I: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/402157.html
    Part IV: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/415906.html

    * * *

    The Joker was grinning like the Cheshire Cat... )

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: morning noises

    Gotham Idol Round 1 - Messageredacted - Fic - Bulletproof

    Original poster: messageredacted

    Title: Bulletproof
    Author: [info]messageredacted
    Disclaimer: This story is based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
    Summary: Where’s the fun in robbing a bank if you can’t take hostages?
    Pairing: Gen (or pre-slash, depending on how you look at it)
    Rating: PG-13 for violence
    Warnings: None
    Word count: 2,032
    Gotham Idol prompt: Action
    Team: Knight


    I´m new and I bring a Video

    Original poster: rebecca102

    Hey guys,

    I´m new to this community and to LJ. I´ve been reading fics at this community for a while, so I thought I would join and bring one of my first Batman/ Joker videos!

    Video: by me
    Song: by The Calling
    Footage: WB and DC


    I hope you liked it!

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: The Calling

    Team Anarchy - Round 9 - Fic: The Hurting

    Original poster: sweetcarolanne

    Title: The Hurting
    Author: Carol Anne Caiafa
    Prompt: Carve your name into my arm.
    --Every Me and Every You (Placebo)
    Pairing: Batman/Joker.
    Fandom: Nolanverse (influenced by others too)
    Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, no profit, suing is futile!
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Implied sex, implied violence, slight self-cutting, blood, angst, a teeny bit of fluffiness
    Summary: Sometimes the pain is the best part of pleasure…
    Word Count: 569
    A/N: Many thanks to my beta, who wishes to remain anonymous.

    The Hurting )

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: Purring cat

    Team Knight - Round 9 - Some fluffy fanart

    Original poster: thanks_to_god

    Hello, hello! :)
    My exams are finally over so i have some free time now. Besides, i need a break from another depressive Yellow spots chapter so i drew you some fluff :) I really dunno what rating is it, but i'd say PG-15 for some naked body parts :)
    Please, enjoy and review :D

    Fluffy pic )

    Current Mood: drunk

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