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Friday, May 22nd, 2009

    Time Event
    Couple of reminders

    Original poster: overlithe

    Just wanted to remind you that the deadline for Round 9 of the Knight vs Anarchy Team Challenge is today (Friday the 22nd) at 11:59pm PDT. You can join either team at any time by going to this link. Also, round 1 of Gotham Idol will be taking place until the 27th May (next Wednesday) at 11:59pm PDT. For more information, click here.

    Also, apologies for not getting the master list for round 8 of the Team Challenge up yet, and for the delays in the round 8 MVP banners. [info]chosenfire28 and I have been seriously busy lately, but we'll get that done as soon as possible.

    Team Anarchy - Round 9 - Perdición

    Original poster: daydreamer64

    Title: Perdición
    Author: DayDreamer64/MadWanderer
    Pairing(s): Batman/Joker
    Prompt: "“Carve your name into my arm.” –Every me and Every You
    Rating: hard R
    Genre(s): AU, Smut, Crack
    Disclaimer: Owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others not me since I can't draw for life
    Summary: Captain Joker isn’t pleased with his captive
    Note: Two chapters this time number four is a little short but hey voyeurism= ♥ right? :D

    ( Perdición - Part Three) [2,078]
    ( Perdición - Part Four) [1,062]

    Fake cut takes you to my writing journal [info]madwanderer

    Current Mood: uncomfortable

    Team Anarchy - Round 9 - New

    Original poster: daydreamer64

    Title: New
    Author: DayDreamer64/MadWanderer
    Fandom: The Dark Knight/Nolanverse
    Pairing: Batman/Joker
    Genre(s): Smut
    Rating: light R
    Prompt: “Car your name into my arm.” –Every me and Every You
    Word Count: 2,044
    Summary: Joker was going to mark him in ways that no one ever had
    Disclaimer: I wish I did own it sadly I do not.
    Note: Song used is “Dark Congregation” by The Hush Sound.

    ( We will not let time erase us )

    Current Mood: blah

    New art

    Original poster: darker_she_said

    New Joker art up. (If you belong to a lot of TDK communities you're probably going nuts from all the x-posting, sorry.) It's all about perspective, so if Batman was unfortunate enough.. heh.

    Blood on a knife, but there is no actual violence, so worksafe imo.

    Current Mood: energetic
    Current Music: Shinedown - The Crow and the Butterfly

    Team Knight - Round 9 - Five Times NCIS Dealt With Gotham's Villains

    Original poster: junkiefornews

    Title: Five Times NCIS Dealt With Gotham's Villains
    Author: [info]junkiefornews 
    Rating: R
    Carve your name into my arm. --Every Me and Every You (Placebo)
    This stories contains concepts and characters created and owned by Viacom, CBS, DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. I am in no way affiliated with these corporations, and i am not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
    Word Count: 3,329
    Pairing: minor, minor one-sided J/B. Can be read as gen
    Warnings:  crossover. semi-AU (Ra's Al Ghul is still alive), NCIS- set before the Michael Rivkin story arc, violence, sexual content (though nothing major), injuries, a unique and non-consented scar (you'll see what I mean)
    Author's Note: I'd like to thank [info]huro for beta-ing part one and [info]zackery_faelan for beta-ing part five. Thanks guys!
    Also, three parts are unedited, so there will be a few errors.   If you see one,  I'll be grateful if you point it out.   Comments, Cookies (chocolate chip), and Critiques are always welcomed.   :)


    Edit:  I  know it say Part 1, but really, it's the whole story. If someone could tell me how to fix that, I'd appreciate it.

    Unfortunately, I'm a writer, not a livejournal expert. :P

    Part 1 )

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