Mirror for the batmanjoker LJ comm's Journal
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Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

    Time Event
    Gotham Idol Round 1 opening now

    Original poster: overlithe

    Hello all,

    As some of you may remember, we recently held the Free-for-all round for our Gotham Idol fic/art contest. However, since it coincided with the final examinations period in a lot of universities in the Northern hemisphere, and we know a lot of you have been busy with that, we have decided to postpone it to this week, which hopefully means more people will have the free time to participate.

    This round will be open from 00:01 am PDT on the 20th May (that is to say, in a few hours' time) to 11:59pm PDT on the 27th May. This first round will be open to all members of the community, but the people who went through the auditions process will be awarded a 3 points bonus. If you've gone through the auditions process, you'll be getting an e-mail in a few moments alerting you to the start of the competition and directing you to this entry.

    How will this work?

    (1) Write a fic (if you want to write fic for the rest of the competition) or produce a piece of fanart using the following prompt:


    This does not mean that you have to produce some elaborate action story/comic, but that your work must be related to the prompt in some way (creative interpretations welcome!) For instance, it can be a character's thoughts during an action scene from the TDK movie, the aftermath of one of the Joker's heists, action vs thought, etc.

    (2) Fics must be at least 500 words in length and be Batman/Joker in some way (gen is fine, as long as it focuses on the dynamic between the two characters). AUs, crossovers, genderswitches, etc, are all acceptable.

    Fanart can be of any medium and size and it must be related in some way to Batman and/or the Joker.

    (3) The work must never have been publicly posted before (including in your personal LJ).

    (4) Use the following format when posting:
    Subject: Gotham Idol Round 1 - [your LJ user name] - Fic/Art - [title, if any]

    Header (copy&paste the contents of the text box):

    You can include additional information in your header, like a Summary and Author's Notes, but please do include all the required information.

    Tags: gotham idol round 1

    (5) Post only one piece of work per person.

    (6) Once the round is closed, the voting will take place from 00:01 am on the 28th May to 11:59pm PDT on the 29th May. We will put up a voting post in which all comm members will be able to vote for their 1st (5 points), 2nd (3 points) and 3rd (1 point) choices.

    (7) Participants will be selected for the second round based on their number of points and so on until the sixth round, which will determine the winner and runner-up, who will receive prizes.

    Full Schedule for the Whole Competition )

    We hope you enjoy the competition and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please post a comment or contact the mods directly via LJ PM or e-mail (our contact details are in the comm's info page).

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