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Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    Looking for a fic...

    Original poster: junkiefornews

    Hey there,

    I'm looking for a fic.     This is what I remember:

    The Joker had taken the customers of a bank hostage.

    Bruce Wayne was one of those customers.

    Everyone waits for Batman to show up (minus Bruce, of course), but when the Bat  doesn't, The Joker, lackeys, and hostages starts discussing who Batman could possibly be. (like why he only works at night...etc etch)

    Any help finding this fic would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks :-)

    Edit:  Found!     My thanks to  [info]arcaneamaranth for helping me find this.     Thanks :-)

    Team Anarchy - Round 9 - You're Welcome [fanfic]

    Original poster: 1bad_joke

    Title: You're Welcome
    Author: 1bad_joke
    Rating: PG-14
    Prompt: "Carve your name into my arm." -Placebo (Every Me and Every You)
    Disclaimer: Batman and those affiliated with the DC universe do not belong to me. This is for my own entertainment. In no way am I profiting.
    Warnings: Innuendos of self-mutilation, some colorful language, and slight OOCness
    Summary: A confession from the Joker
    Word Count: 2257

    A/N: I'm not sure where this came from. This is probably my stab at the few exceptions the Joker would ever do something like this.
           Feedback is always craved.

    Bats spells Stab backwards kinda.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: I Almost Told You That I Loved You by Pa pa Roach

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