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Monday, May 4th, 2009

    Time Event
    Gotham Idol Free-for-all round now open

    Original poster: overlithe

    The Free-for-all round of Gotham Idol is now open, so you can start posting. For the full rules and info, please go here.


    Original poster: mirandafox

    Title: Reflections.
    Disclaimer: All characters featured are the intellectual property of D.C. Comics and Time Warner. No infringement is intended with their usage.
    Universe: Nolanverse.
    Summary: Bruce wants to know what the Joker really fears.
    Word Count: 2,491.
    Rating: NC-17.
    Pairing: Batman/Joker.

    The Joker had been surprised, but pleased nonetheless, when Batman had actually suggested a little off-duty meeting. It had always been he - the Joker - who initiated everything. Even before their relationship had taken a rather odd, but certainly not unpleasant, turn.

    Read more... )

    Current Mood: bored

    Team Anarchy - Round 8 - Fic: Playing the Part

    Original poster: sweetcarolanne

    Title: Playing the Part
    Author: Carol Anne Caiafa
    Prompt: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.
    --As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)

    Pairing: Batman/Joker.
    Fandom: Nolanverse (influenced by others too)
    Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, no profit, suing is futile!
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Implied sex, violence, angst, bad language and a touch of fluff
    Summary: Joker decides to play a little game to make sure that Batman truly loves him. Joker POV.
    Word Count: 519
    A/N: Many thanks to my beta, who wishes to remain anonymous.

    Playing the Part )

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: The TV. Meh. *flips it off*

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