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Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

    Time Event
    Team Knight - Round 8 - Yellow spots, chapter 6 [fanfiction] - Changes

    Original poster: thanks_to_god

    Hello everyone =D The new chapter's here aand i also started naming them.
    Maybe dear mods would put my story under the story tag? Or give me an athor tag? Please-please =]
    Oh and i still don't have a beta - so who's interested, please, contact me :)

    : Yellow spots
    Pairing: Batman(Bruce)/Joker
    Rating: NC-17 for grafic sex and language
    Words: 3050
    Warnings: slash, violence, sexual content
    Disclaimer: don't own anything
    Summary: Something happens with the Joker, something that may change his life forever.  
    Yellow spots, part 6 )

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Team Anarchy - Round 8 - (Doodles) Sequential Thing No. 4

    Original poster: loony_lucifer

    Sequential Thing That Needs a Title (Part 4)
    Rated: PG-13
    Prompt 8: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.
    --As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)

    Read the beginning here.

    View under cut. )

    Current Mood: finals suck.

    Gotham Idol Free-for-all round starts tomorrow

    Original poster: overlithe

    Hello everyone,

    As some of you may recall, we recently held auditions for the Gotham Idol competition. For those who missed the relevant posts, Gotham Idol is the [info]batmanjoker (parody) version of the American Idol TV programme. Comm members will vote for their favourites out of a pool of finalists and the winner and the runner-up will get small prizes (a year's paid LJ and $5 of LJ add-ons, or equivalent prizes, respectively).

    While we got some wonderful submissions, unfortunately the volume wasn't large enough for us to make a fair decision on the full number of finalists. We understand that the past month or so was a busy time for a lot of people, with the holidays, exams, etc, so we've decided to increase our number of finalists by opening the first round of the contest to the whole community. Hopefully a lot of you will participate.

    The Free-for-All Round

    This is open to all members of the community. However, as a reward for going through the audition process, the following people will be entered automatically in round 2 and don't need to compete in this round:


    Everyone else--and especially anyone who felt intimidated by idea of sending your stuff to the judges--now's your chance to take part. The free-for-all round starts tomorrow, the 4th May, at 00:01am PDT (I will make a post announcing the start of the round) and will end on the 9th May at 11:59pm PDT. (Here's an online clock set to the relevant time-zone.) During that time, you should post either fic (if you're planning to write fic for the rest of the competition) or art (if you're planning to do fanart for the rest of the competition). There will be no specific prompt for the free-for-all round and the genre of the work is entirely up to you.

    Rules for Posting

    1. Only one fic/one piece of fanart per person, please. (Remember that if you write fic in this round and are voted through to the next round, you will have to write fic for the rest of your time in the competition and cannot switch to fanart in another round, and the same goes if you choose to post art.)

    2. Please use the following subject line for your posts:
    Gotham Idol Round 1 - Fic/Art - Title (if any)

    3. Use this header for your work:
    Title (if any):
    Author: (the LJ user name you use to post to this comm)
    Rating: (please label all adult/NSFW material accordingly)
    Word count: (for fic, obviously, and excluding any notes, song lyrics, etc; here's a link to a free word count tool if you do not have this functionality in your word processor)
    Disclaimer: (feel free to use the general disclaimer posted in the community's info page)

    You can include any other information, like a Summary and Author's Notes, but please do include all the previous elements in your header.

    4. Fics should be at least 500 words long; fanart can be of any size and medium. All ratings are allowed.

    5. Obviously, fic should be Batman/Joker (or, if gen, it should focus on the dynamic between the characters); art should be related in some way to Batman and/or the Joker.

    6. Only material that's never been publicly posted before is allowed. You can post a new chapter of an on-going story, but bear in mind that people may not wish to go back and (re)read the previous chapters in order to vote.

    7. In order to facilitate the voting process, please post the text of your fic/the artwork directly into the comm, as opposed to providing a link to another journal. You are of course free to cross-post the work as you wish, and to direct comments to another journal, but when we're collating the links for the voting, it'll be easier on everyone if the works are actually posted to this comm.

    Note for those taking part in Knight vs Anarchy: If you're on one of the teams, any work you submit as part of Gotham Idol will accrue points to your team (tallied the usual way). In order to make life easier for the mods when we count the points, please indicate if you're on one of the Knight vs Anarchy teams and which one. A simple "I am on Team Knight/Anarchy" statement as part of the header for your fic/art is enough.


    Immediately after the round closes on the 9th, voting will begin. Voting is open to all community members (excluding us moderators) and will last until 11:59pm on the 11th May. We will make a voting post to the community with links to all the submitted works and a poll where you can cast your votes--only one set of votes per member, and you can't vote for yourself, obviously--with the click of a button. You will be able to vote for your 1st (5 points), 2nd (3 points) and 3rd (1 point) choices. The number of points will determine who moves on to the next round, but the total number of people who move on to the next round will be determined by the number of participants in this round. Ideally, we'd like to end up with another 11 people in this round, so it's time to get started on that fic and art. ;)

    Good luck, everyone, and thanks for taking part.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, please comment on this post or contact the mods directly (our contact details are in the comm's info page).

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