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Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

    Time Event
    UPDATE: NEWS on the Bale Front! *~^-~

    Original poster: mahala_ac

    Come in ALL Bale fans and haters too... )

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Us Against The World - Christina Milian

    Team Knight - Round 8 - Switching Caps Fanfic

    Original poster: skyblue0291

    Title: Switching Caps
    Author: skyblue0291
    All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.
    --As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)

    Pairing: Batman/Joker.
    Fandom: Nolanverse
    Disclaimer: I own nothing, so please don’t sue me, I have very little money!
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Implied self-harm, angst, bad language
    Summary: Joker and Batman’s everyday roles meet in the street.

    Word Count: 840
    A/N: This is my first fanfic, please go easy on me (I don’t usually do this sort of stuff) and also I try to be clever in this, but it does make sense (I hope) Also it’s not beta’d.





    I have a few roles in life... )
    Team Anarchy - Round 8 - Manip - They Were Elves Once

    Original poster: rancid_rainbow

    Prompt: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.
    --As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)

    This one is a nude, but everything is covered, all you can really see is his back and the slightest bit of bum from the side. (Darn!) I also had to draw most of his hair. Not sure how wonderful that came out but...ah well! Did the best I could!


    Click fo' the pic )
    Team Anarchy: Round 8 : A Dream come true

    Original poster: pepper202

    Title: A Dream Come True

    Author: [info]jean_c_pepper   

    Beta: [info]mayphoenix 

    Pairing: Bruce/Joker

    Prompt: This one is for the current knight/anarchy prompt of “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. --As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII), and also for [info]enchanted_jae 's monthly drabble challenge prompt of “Dream”

    Disclaimer:  The Joker and Batman/Bruce Wayne belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.

    Rating: NC-17. Very, very NC-17.

    Warning: This story contains spanking (with an object), hand jobs, glove sex, rimming, and anal.And, a fluffy ending.

    Word count: 1,871

    A/N: This started out as comment porn for [info]oogies4u , [info]melissa_ivory  and [info]batsyx 

    Bruce and the Joker face off... )

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: 24

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