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Jan. 22nd, 2010


Metamorphasis chapt.2, Bittersweet

Tile: Metamorphasis

Summery: It started when he lost his girlfriends. When he lost his relationship with Babs, with Starfire, with Sophie. Then with the death of Bruce. Everyone was either leaving him, or being lost. He'll be damned if the one person he cared about the most tried to leave him too.

Pairings: (onesided)Dick/Tim

Rating: M


Warnings: Insane-ness

Disclaimer: I don't own Batman, or Tim Drake, or Dick Grayson, bla bla

Chapter 2, Bittersweet - Slowly, he continued the rocking. He felt ashamed; wishing that the boy would keep crying, keep needing to be held.

Chapter 2, Bittersweet

Chapter 1, Morbid



Tile: Metamorphasis

Summery: It started when he lost his girlfriends. When he lost his relationship with Babs, with Starfire, with Sophie. Then with the death of Bruce. Everyone was either leaving him, or being lost. He'll be damned if the one person he cared about the most tried to leave him too.

Pairings: (onesided)Dick/Tim

Rating: M


Warnings: Insane-ness

Disclaimer: I don't own Batman, or Tim Drake, or Dick Grayson, bla bla bla

Chapter 1, Morbid

Dec. 17th, 2008


Title: A New Beginning


 Word Count:1222

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Bruce/Joker


 Disclaimer: The Joker and Batman belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.

Summary: The Joker finally gets to find out who Batman really is.

Warning: This is REALLY fluffy. You've been warned.

A/N: This is the long awaited response to This Picture   made for me by





Bruce decided to make a change for the Joker's own good )

Sep. 24th, 2008


Title: An Important Conversation

Author: Pepper202 

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Batman/Joker

word count: 2167

Warning: This chapter gets rather fluffy in places. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.

Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings and age of legal consent for your country.

A/N: I took a break from writing my fest fics. The muse literally wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote this.

A/N2: Miss One?

The Dance We Do             

No Lies Between Us                 

Taking off the Masks                   

Being Batman                           

Unable to Stop                          

Deeper Entwined                


Sep. 5th, 2008


Title: Questions
Author: Pepper202
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Word Count:
Warning: Drug Use (prescription), violent sex.
 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
A/N: This one is a bit different, guys.
A/N 2: Miss one?

Sep. 1st, 2008


The Ride of His Life

Title: The Ride of His Life
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Fandom: Batman (The Dark Knight)
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Batman/Jim Gordon
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1500
Summary: Batman takes Lt. Gordon for a ride he’ll never forget.
Spoilers: None really, just one small mention of the villain. Does not follow the movie.
Highlight for Warnings: * None really *
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters herein. No profit is made from this work and no copyright infringements are intended.
Written for: [info]bbtp_challenge
A/N: A very big thank you to [info]red_day_dawning and [info]toxicwasteland1 for looking this over and correcting my mistakes.

The Ride of His Life

Aug. 29th, 2008


Title: Unable to stop
Author: Pepper202
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Word Count: 1697
Warning: This one contains some violence and sex.
 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
A/N: This one has some spoilers for TDK. You’ve been warned.

Aug. 22nd, 2008


Title: A Visit to Arkham (5/5)

Author: pepper202 and Mummifiedmiss
Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Batman/Joker

Warning: None, really.

Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made. 

Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings,
warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.


 Title: A Visit to Arkham (4/5)
Authors: pepper202 and mummifiedmiss
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Warning: It's Batman. It's Joker. It's Slash.You do the math. 

 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to us. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made. 

Additional Disclaimer: These authors are not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.

Aug. 19th, 2008


Title: A Visit to Arkham (3/5)
Author: </a></b></a></a></font></b></a>[info]jean_c_pepperand </a></font></b></a></a></font></b></a>[info]mummifiedmiss</font>
Rating: NC-17 overall
              PG-13 this part.
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Warning: It's Batman. It's Joker. It's Slash. Do the math.
 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to us. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: These authors are not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.

A/N: This is the result of a roleplay between </a>
</b></a></a></font></b></a>[info]jean_c_pepper  and </a></font></b></a></a></font></b></a>[info]mummifiedmiss</font>


Title: A Visit to Arkham (2/5)
Authors: </a>
</b></a></a></font></b></a>[info]jean_c_pepper   and </a></font></b></a></a></font></b></a>[info]mummifiedmiss
rating: nc-17 overall
             R this part
</font>Pairing: Batman/Joker
Warning: It's Batman, It's Joker, it's slash. You do the math.
Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal conset for your country.

Aug. 18th, 2008


Title: A Visit to Arkham (1/5)
Author: </a></font></b></a>[info]jean_c_pepper  and </a></font></b></a>[info]mummifiedmiss
Rating: NC-17overall
              PG-13 this part.
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Warning: None, really. I mean, it's slash, it's Batman, it's Joker. You do the math
 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
A/N : This is the result of a roleplay between 
</b></a>[info]jean_c_pepperand </font></a></font></b></a>[info]mummifiedmiss

Aug. 11th, 2008


Title: Fly Me to the Moon.
Pairing/Characters: Harvey Dent/OFC, Joker/OFC. Characters include, but are not limited to Harvey Dent, the Joker, and Commissioner Gordon.
Rating: M.
Length: 23,408.
Disclaimer: None of this, save Abigail, Christine, and Adrien, is mine. Everything else belongs to a whole bunch of people that would take forever to name. Wish I owned it and all, but nah.
Summary: Harvey Dent is a charming man; that much is fact in Gotham. Even Mr. J knows this. He also knows that Dent is smitten with Christine Villiers and intends to show him the difference between a good and a bad surprise.
Author's Note: I know that the stamp of OFC on a fic to most is an automatic turnoff, but give it a try, will you? I'd be forever grateful. Also, I'm just going to link you to the fic, since I have seven chapters of it posted up already.

"Hello, Christine."


Title: Being Batman
Author: Pepper202
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Word Count: 1340
Warning: There's violence, then sex. It’s consensual.
 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
A/N: Miss one?
The Dance We Do 
No Lies Between Us
Taking Off the Masks

A/N2- I do alot of work with youth gangs, which is where I got the background for some of this chapter. 


Title: Taking off the Masks

Author: Pepper202

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Batman/Joker

Word Count: 1620

Warning: The sex gets pretty violent, but it’s consensual. 

 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.

 Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.

A/N: This is the sequel to The Dance We Do and No Lies Between Us

A/N2: This chapter is kind of the calm before the storm. 

Current Location: Work

Aug. 6th, 2008


Title:  No Lies between Us.
Author: Pepper202
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Word Count: 1244
Warning:  The sex gets pretty violent, but it’s consensual.
 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.


Title: The Dance We Do
Author: Pepper202
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Word Count: 1509
Warning: Um… the sex gets a little rough, but it’s totally consensual.
 Disclaimer: The Batman and Joker belong to a lot of people, but not to me. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.

Jul. 31st, 2008


Fic: Where The Past Meets The Future

Title: Where The Past Meets The Future
Pairing: Hints of Bruce/Rachel
Rating: PG
Warnings: Massive Dark Knight spoilers!
Summary: Vignette. Bruce knows the truth: there's no going back. Nothing will be the same as it was

Read more... )

Jul. 24th, 2008


A New Beginning

Title: A New Beginning
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Fandom: Batman (The Dark Knight)
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Batman/Lt. Gordon
Follow up to: I'll Never Let You Fall
Rating: PG
Summary: Jim finds his Prince Charming. Does not follow the movie.
Word Count: 598
Disclaimer: I do not own Batman or any of the characters herein. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is made from this writing.
Written for [info]multi_fiction Challenge: First Time Kiss
Thank you to [info]blpaintchart and [info]xx_kerriann_xx for the beta.

A New Beginning )


I'll Never Let You Fall

Title: I’ll Never Let You Fall
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Genre: Slash
Fandom: Movie-Batman Begins
Pairing: Batman/Sgt. Gordon
Rating: PG
Category: Drabble/ficlet
Word Count: 259
Disclaimer: I do not own them.

I’ll Never Let You Fall )

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