August 4th, 2009

[info]barkeepers in [info]bar_ooc

Bar Quit and disabled the message boards.

Of course any open logs and threads can be tied up within the bar comms, but please do not post any new posts in either [info]barmessageboard or [info]endofworldbar. The comms will remain open, but the game is closed. We have moved to [info]journeylogs, [info]journeynotes, and [info]journeyooc via [info]journey_mods.

Moving to the new game is completely optional. If you choose to move, you simply have to reply to the taken page with character | fandom | journal | personal item (optional) information. Request to join the three game comms listed above, and you will be approved and given a room assignment. (The application page states things slightly different, for existing players. That is for future applications, not transfers. You need only reply to the Taken page at this time.)

The game info states that room mates are to be assigned randomly. Patrons coming from the bar have the choice to pick their room mates, because we are going on the assumption that Bar would try to keep her people together. All new characters dropping in to the new venue should be assigned a room mate at random. If you wish to request room mates, please do so Here!

Keeping game history is your choice. ideally, characters from the bar would retain their bar history, but this is a reasonable chance to retcon if necessary, and allow a character to come in fresh, or at least from some point in the past. Totally up to you as the mun, how you want to handle that.

Posts in the mod journal continue to be adjusted, with info added, removed, or altered. Please bear with us, and as always, feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns.

August 2009

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