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Aug. 4th, 2009


Bar Quit and disabled the message boards.

Of course any open logs and threads can be tied up within the bar comms, but please do not post any new posts in either [info]barmessageboard or [info]endofworldbar. The comms will remain open, but the game is closed. We have moved to [info]journeylogs, [info]journeynotes, and [info]journeyooc via [info]journey_mods.

Moving to the new game is completely optional. If you choose to move, you simply have to reply to the taken page with character | fandom | journal | personal item (optional) information. Request to join the three game comms listed above, and you will be approved and given a room assignment. (The application page states things slightly different, for existing players. That is for future applications, not transfers. You need only reply to the Taken page at this time.)

The game info states that room mates are to be assigned randomly. Patrons coming from the bar have the choice to pick their room mates, because we are going on the assumption that Bar would try to keep her people together. All new characters dropping in to the new venue should be assigned a room mate at random. If you wish to request room mates, please do so Here!

Keeping game history is your choice. ideally, characters from the bar would retain their bar history, but this is a reasonable chance to retcon if necessary, and allow a character to come in fresh, or at least from some point in the past. Totally up to you as the mun, how you want to handle that.

Posts in the mod journal continue to be adjusted, with info added, removed, or altered. Please bear with us, and as always, feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Aug. 3rd, 2009


Important Mod Post!

Click here for important Mod post!

Jul. 27th, 2009


Greetings. My name is Laura and I'll be bringing in Stewie Griffin from the Family Guy television show. The only difference is that when he arrives, he'll be trapped in an adult body. Hahaha. I'm evil.

I do have an aim at devoted to muses

There is also a plotting post up in my journal should anyone want to contact me there. Toodles.

Jul. 26th, 2009


All of my RL deciding to explode at the same time + massive fatigue/ADD for some reason = very rare announced hiatus, under the logic that forcing myself to stay away will enact Murphy's Law, and remind me what it was I wanted to plot.

I'll say from now until Thursday, since that will be after another few (unexpectedly tense) doctor's visits and definitive yes/no's about jobs, scholarships, and class enrollment. Expect a few changes on the character roster, when I decide to come back- which may be sooner, may be later, depending on what everyone running my life decides I'm doing.

Any modly activity... is usually handled by Misha at this point anyway, but if you need my input, email and IM are still viable options, when I'm around.

Yours in epic fail,

Colleen (and the various and sundry children therein)

Cross-posted everywhere and your mom.

Jul. 24th, 2009


It's Misha, just letting you all know I'm experiencing computer issues and I'm basically out of commission for the next couple days. My computer is getting a restart, and I'm currently on a netbook which is awesome for all that I am not totally offline, but it's slow as mollassas and very frustrating to try and be productive. So I'm taking a mini hiatus until I get up and running with my main laptop again.

Jul. 12th, 2009


Hi guys.

So my parents are dragging me off to North Carolina and Tennessee starting on Monday. I have no idea how long we're going to be gone, sadly. It's possible we're going to drive around until we start killing each other. Oh roadtrips with your parents when you're almost 30, fun times. Considering we're going to be in the car most of the time, I'll be generally not around except for whenever we stop for the evening (wifi permitting).

If you guys need me, best bet is to email me cause I can at least get those from my phone.

[x-posted liek whoa. sorry]

Jul. 2nd, 2009


Yes, I know some may roll their eyes since I am often quiet *anyway*, but I at least need to post this.

I am going on a semi-hiatus for the next 3 weeks. I'll still answer logs I am in, just will be slower than normal, especially on the weekends right now. I generally answer logs at work right now. I might pop in new posts, but I am not going to focus on doing so.

Essentially the next three weeks are going to be nuts and I might fall off the face of the planet during that time or something. I am returning to Michigan this weekend to get all of my things from my mother's house and driving back to Pennsylvania in a moving truck on Monday.

The following weekend, I will be in Baltimore for Shore Leave and I'm rarely online during the con except very, very late to post snippets of stuff. That Monday, I will be starting my next session of school.

The weekend following SL, I will be in Baltimore again for Otakon. I'll be there from Thurs-Sun.

After that, things should start going back to some sort of order. Though anyone is welcome to email me: midalah AT gmail DOT com, if anything is needed.

Jun. 30th, 2009


Just a little notice, to let anyone I (Misha) am in scenes with, be patient with me. I've Comcast (yes, I did hear that collective groan) and my internets are being unstable, lately. For the last few nights, I've experienced constant disconnectivity (is that a word?) which puts me offline for odd lengths of time. I've taken to keeping my AIM signed on to auto reconnect, so that I can tell by the little Trillian icon if I've reconnected or not. There is no discernable pattern to this madness, and yes, it is making me feel a bit postal toward Comcast, why do you ask? Anyway, at this point, I feel the connection is so unreliable that it requires an OOC notice because a night like tonight? When it's on-off-on-off about 3 times an hour, I feel so unfocused I can't knuckle down and work my tags, even when I am connected because I fear it will drop out and what not. So. That's my deal, right now. I am not happy.

Jun. 21st, 2009


And so endth the

Alright folks! The orgasm plot is officially over! Thank you to everyone that played along!

Jun. 16th, 2009


Hey guys,

I'm sorry but I need to cut back on my games, so I'm going to have to bow out of this one. It's awesome and I wish the best of luck, but I hardly do anything here so I think it's best to go.

This effects Elle Bishop, Isabella Swan, and Veronica Mars.

Jun. 14th, 2009


Saetan's bio

For as short as the changes are... it's taken me long enough. It is listed on [info]highlord's profile page and here:

The timeline this Saetan is mostly canon, with the exception of a connection to the planet of Nebula. A gate between the two worlds opened, and a planet within the Star Wars galaxy was discovered to have a long lost connection to Kaeleer. Many of those with the Force from Nebula are also jeweled, but not all are. The connection has been kept open, and those from his universe have grown close to the Nebulian Blood.

Jun. 13th, 2009


So, we fail at keeping up with the cast list.

We considered a wiki, but decided it's too much work.

So. Shiny New Cast List Here. Players are now responsible for listing their own characters! Wheee.

I've put in a few of my kids, to give you an idea what we're looking for. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, reply here.

A link to the post will be included in the acceptance note with a prompt to add your characters.

Jun. 11th, 2009


I bring you Plot!

Hello hello! Rachael, here, with a mod-approved plot offering for those interested.

If you've seen the post I just put up, Hedone has fallen in the shower, effectively knocking herself out. I know, I know, she's a goddess not an old lady. But I needed a reason!

So, here is what is going to happen, once she wakes up? She's not going to have a tight reign on her powers and they will be uncontrollable for a bit. Basically, any time someone touches someone else (ie a push, a brush, a kick, however you want to play it), the effects are positively orgasmic! Extreme pleasure for both parties involved.

This is completely optional and would of course only affect the grown-ups in the bar. If you have a pure character that would like to stay that way? Simply ignore this. :D This is not the post you're looking for.

However, if you would like to play along, go for it. Have fun! Enjoy! Multiple orgasms for everyone!

This will continue until Friday the 19th. After that? Hedone will have recovered and be very apologetic and slightly pleased.

ETA: The plot tag is "orgasm-fest '09".


Misha here, posting to say, I'm finally back home. The last week, with my family, has seemed like a month at least. And to add insult to injury, ATL airport was closed yesterday during a bad storm, and we had to divert to Greenville, SC to refuel. We were about 2 1/2 hours late getting home, but it doesn't matter now, because I am home, and my kids will be posting soon! Today/tomorrow/this weekend, they'll all post something and update and get back in the swing.

Basic info in my kids can be found Here!. As always any and all of them are available for plot and what not.

Jun. 9th, 2009


I may not be around for a little bit. My cousin Rachell was killed in a car wreck today. We were very close, and I'm not handling it well. She was only 25 years old and I can't even think right now.

So sorry, but I'm just not feeling up to doing anything right now.

Jun. 6th, 2009


Hey it's Kate again, this is my new pup Lila Reed from Nearly Famous which I'm sure no one's ever heard of. It's set in a performing arts school and Lila is an aspiring writer. She's very sweet, a little naive but very friendly. Also while being very sweet she isn't a goody-goody or anything like that and will happy get drunk with anyone that might ask.

Also since my request for an OC to join Cassie worked quite well last time (or would have did I not suck and drop threads) should anyone wish to bring in some kind of performing arts student in I'll offer our of barness and anything else that might tempt, assuming the gorgeous Talulah Riley isn't enough.

Jun. 4th, 2009


I know I haven't been very active lately, and I promise I will fix that as soon as this weekend is over. I will be gone at my five year college reunion tomorrow and Saturday, but come Monday, things should definitely be back to normal, and I will actually start participating again! If anyone would like to play with Dionysus, let me know, and I can set something up when I get back.

Also, if anyone needs any original characters for anything, I tend to be better at playing those, and I'll probably working on bringing in someone new when I get back as well. Have a good weekend, everyone!


Jun. 2nd, 2009


Just a little FYI. I (mod!Misha) am flying out tomorrow, heading Norrth to kidnap mod!Coll for a couple of days. Not sure how much play I'll get in, but I will be around, periodically. I'll be away from home June 3-10, so if I'm slow to reply or get back to anyone, I apologise, and I'll get to things as I'm able. Especially since I can check email and twitter from my phone. Wheee.

May. 31st, 2009


So I've decided to bring in an OC from a OC casted supernatural game that died.

Kathrine Raithe here is a Succubus. She doesn't deal with the dream world at all, just the physical side of the lust and feeding and all. Girls, boys, kink, vanilla, she really has no preference so long as it's enjoyable for her and her partner. She owns a night club in New York City where she's spent most nights feeding and running.

There's a well explained blurb in her journal about both her history and her supernatural side so I won't go into heavy detail here.



Right so this is Dani Reese again. But she's from before the show, meaning that she's an undercover cop and completely addicted to coke and sex and lots of other bad shit.

So yeah. Enjoy :D

- Jewels

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