Posts Tagged: 'marcel+gerard'

Nov. 14th, 2013



[No Subject]

characters: davina and marcel
setting: davina's attic hideaway, backdated to after bonnie died
summary: davina is concerned about what is happening in the city
rating/warnings: tbd, will update as necessary
status: in progress | closed


The witches still wanted to complete the Harvest ritual, and that meant slicing her throat open and killing her. )

Nov. 13th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Marcel, his gang, and Bonnie Bennett
Where: Middle of the street, French Quarter
What: Bonnie's going to die ya'll
When: Now.
Rating: Med - Bonnie's death. (Not bloody or anything)
Open: Nah.
Notes: It's going to be a one shot

Here we go now. )