Original Superhero RPG

July 9th, 2009

July 9th, 2009

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Characters: Simone Weaver, Alistair Lane.
Setting: A studio somewhere in Axis.
Summary: Simone gives Alistair an exclusive interview about her plans for the police department.
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Characters: Teagan Mitchell & (OPEN!)
Setting: Axis City Books
Content: Family friendly unless someone decides to be a pottymouth.
Summary: Random retail interaction? I got nothing thus far.

It was so much better than Sips & Stems. )

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Characters: Simone Weaver, Max Ichiro.
Setting: Simone Weaver’s house.
Content: Worksafe.
Summary: Simone waits up to catch Max sneaking in.

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Calling All Supers!

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Characters: Richard Hastings, Edward Shaw, Open
Setting: Axis City Research Trust Conference Hall
Content: Worksafe
Summary: A Press Release on the ACRT's latest project.

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