Axial Tilt

March 20th, 2008

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A multi-fandom, PG fanfiction archive


March 20th, 2008

Fic: Childhood's End, BTVS, Dawn, Gen

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Title: Childhood’s End
Author: Seawench
Gift For: [info]zaph
Fandom: BTVS
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Warnings: Incorporates all existing Buffy canon, TV and comics, including the Season 8 prophecies and the endgame referenced in Fray.
Summary: When Xander starts avoiding her, Dawn knows something is most definitely up.

Dawn had had enough. )

Team Q (Harry Potter, Dean/Seamus)

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Title: Team Q
Author: [info]kyuuketsukirui
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Dean/Seamus
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~600 words
Summary: A year ago he and Seamus had been kicking around, still at a loose end with no more school, no more war, and no plans beyond either for what they wanted to do with their lives.

And then one day Seamus picked up a sketch off the kitchen table, laughed, and said, ''What's this, Quidditch-playing superheroes?'' )

For Sciencegeek: Amendment

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Title: Amendment
Author: [info]gibson
Recipent: [info]sciencegeek
Fandom:Harry Potter
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Harry/Draco pre-pre-pre-slash if squint hard, jump three times, spin in a circle and chant, “I think it is, I think it is.”
Rating: PG-13 for language

Author’s Notes: [info]sciencegeek I hope you like this. I really wanted to stay within canon but also give these characters the chance at a different future, possibly together. I hope I was able to do that. :D Many thanks go to my flist for their support and last minute hand-holding! :D

Brief note on the title, I’m using the following definitions for amendment as taken from “1. The act of amending or the state of being amended” and “1. The act of changing for the better; improvement.”

Amendment )

Fic: Collection Day, Death Note, for Lelek

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Title: Collection Day
Author: daisy_chan
Recipient: Lelek
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: Mello/Matt
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Just because Mello's side is always the losing one doesn't mean Matt is any less anxious to be back on it.
Author's note: Thank you to my beta fantomfox <3

Collection Day )

Fic: Walking the Appalachian Trail, HP/BTVS, for [info]blonde_cecile

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Title: Walking the Appalachian Trail
Author: [info]pustekuchen
Fandom: Harry Potter/ Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Characters: Oz and Neville
Disclaimer: These dudes aren't mine. nor is the Appalachian trail.
Notes: For [info]blonde_cecile.

Walking the Appalachian Trail )

Fic: Resolute, Hikaru no Go, for daisy_chan

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Title: Resolute
Author: [info]oneangrykate
Fandom: Hikaru No Go
Pairing: Hikaru/Akira, more pre-slash than anything.
Rating: PG
Recipient: for Daisy_chan
Notes: My first Hikaru No Go fic. Thanks for [info]dorrie6 for egging me on and [info]jubilancy for not laughing at me too much when I was pulling out my hair.

resolute )

Axial Tilt 2008 Master List

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Axial Tilt fics listed by fandom )

Fic: The Beginning (Lord Peter Wimsey), gen, PG

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Title: The Beginning
Author: [info]lyras
Fandom: Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey
Characters: Bunter, Peter, the Dowager Duchess
Rating: PG
Recipient: [info]marginaliana
Summary: Lord Peter is home from the war, but he hasn't left it behind yet. Meanwhile, an old friend is preparing to fulfil a promise made in the trenches.
Notes: Thanks very much to [info]nineveh_uk for a swift and helpful beta-read. I hope you enjoy this, [info]marginaliana!

The Beginning )
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