Axial Tilt

March 19th, 2008

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A multi-fandom, PG fanfiction archive


March 19th, 2008

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Title: Almost a Decennium
Fandom: Life on Mars
Description: Something of a character study of Gene, I guess.
For: [info]primrose
Notes: Spoilers for up to the premise of Ashes to Ashes. (Though I haven't yet watched it, I did read about it and character 'progression' in a newspaper article. If you've a problem with spoilers from any further than the last episode of Life on Mars, then I'm sorry. Let me know & I'll write another fic asap.) It's not hugely long, nor shippy, but I hope you'll like it.

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Stephanie Plum gift for [info]anonymous_sibyl Plum Logic

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Title: Plum Logic
Author: [info]dacro
Gift for :[info]anonymous_sibyl as part of the [info]axial_tilt exchange
Fandom: Book – Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
Pairing Mostly gen – Stephanie/Morelli, Stephanie/Ranger, Lula/Tank
Characters: Stephanie, Lula, Grandma Mazur, Morelli, Ranger, and supporting cast of goodies and bad guys
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Guns, mild violence, sexual innuendo
Summary: A day in the life of Stephanie Plum, Bounty Hunter. A tale of slutty shoes, a trip to the bank, details about my love life, and fashion tips from my Grandma. (May also contain donuts.)

A/N: The thing I love about the Stephanie Plum novels (other than the kick-ass characters) is that you can pretty much pick up any book in the series and know what's going on. I was so excited to see if I could pull off the same thing—write a story in her universe that anyone could read, even if they'd never heard of Stephanie before. What a challenge, but one I really enjoyed! Thank you [info]anonymous_sibyl for making this request, and for saying 'Make it like the books, and I'll love it!' I sure hope you like your gift!
Thanks to my betas [info]saladbats and [info]rayerai! *loves*

Plum Logic )

fic: Institutional Memory (West Wing; Josh/Donna; g)

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title: Institutional Memory
author: victoria p. [[info]musesfool]
summary: "I'm the Chief of Staff, Donna. I don't fetch your coffee." "Yeah, you do."
fandom: The West Wing
pairing: Josh/Donna
rating: g
notes: Thanks to [info]luzdeestrellas for looking it over. Written for [info]patchfire in the 2008 [info]axial_tilt exchange.
word count: 808 words

'I'm the Chief of Staff, Donna. I don't fetch your coffee.' 'Yeah, you do.' )


You've Got the Moon

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Title: You’ve Got the Moon
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Dave Lister/Arnold Rimmer and some Kryten
For: boho
Rated: PG, if even that
Notes: The title is from a Josh Ritter song. This is my first fic exchange and I really enjoyed it, but I know there is room for improvement.

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