July 9th, 2010

[info]dragoneyed in [info]awod

who: Daenyra and open
where: Summerhall, receiving courtyard
when: A week after Elia's death
rating: PG?  Probably?
status: Open!


[info]wolf_queen in [info]awod


who: Kaelyn, Vianna, Eva, Open
where: Kings Landing, the Red Keep, the great hall/just outside of it.
when: a week after Elia's body is discovered (the one that's stayed dead)
rating: PG-13
status: Open for business

[info]unbowedprincess in [info]awod

let's talk...

who: Elia, Jaehaerys
when: the night before the party (aka two days before the joust)
where: Elia's chambers
status: closed, ask before joining. :)
rating: PG-13 to start