March 23rd, 2010

[info]the_seven in [info]awod

Weeks 4+5:

May 22-28
Clear and warm on the 22, some rain on the 23 and 24. Partly cloudy but warm again on the 25, turning into showers throughout the 26th. Temperatures are cooler as the showers persist the 27th. The skies clear again on the 28, and the day is warmer again.

May 22: Queen Aeria speaks to her sister. Jaehaerys and Elia talk in private. Genna slips away to the library and Kaelyn worries. William encounters Kyra Tyrell in the hall.
May 23: Aeria and Selester meet in the garden. An assassin strikes Prince Myrwin Martell and fails. Kaelyn Stark dismisses the servants from the Tower of the Hand.
May 24: William has breakfast with Gena. Jaehaerys finds Lady Alyana by the courtyard.
May 25: Outlaws waylay the party of Lord Hightower just inside the Kingswood. Declare themselves the Brotherhood of the Kingswood and deprive the party of their gold, provisions and several costly robes. Elia and Jaehaerys have a discussion.
May 26: Lord Selester and a company of men search the Kingswood for the outlaws. Iris holds a sale.
May 27: Ravens come from the Vale of Arryn. The plague has reappeared within the Vale, but Lord Arryn fears his men may not be able to contain it. Jaehaerys confers with Arrys.
May 28: The High Septon urges all friars and sisters to journey to the Vale and help their fellows there.

May 29- June 4
Warm but partly cloudy the 29 and 30. Clear skies the 31 and very warm the 1st of June, with temperatures remaining high and the skies remaining clear the rest of the week.

May 29: Jaehaerys sends a company of knights toward the Vale with instructions to block the roads. Prince Myrwin wakes from his coma. Elia and Harper have a chat.
May 30: Ravens come from Highgarden bearing news of the death of Lord Selester's son and heir, Oswald, of a fall from his horse during a hunt.
May 31: TBD
June 1: News that the Iron Fleet has attacked Lannisport reaches Kings Landing.
June 2: TBD
June 3: TBD
June 4: TBD

If you have any major events on a certain day (arrival of a new character, introduction of a new plot, etc) and you’d like it noted on the calendar, reply here. Be sure to tag any entries you make with the appropriate characters and the week during which the actions take place.