March 3rd, 2010

[info]ex_dragonpri265 in [info]awod

May 11: The Feast of the Hand

Who: Jaehaerys Targaryen, The Entire cout!
When: May 11, evening
Where: The great hall, The Red Keep
What: Celebrating the new hand, making an announcement
Rating: PG-13
Status: OPEN. - you can add tags here or separates posts- whichever you want!

High Table: Kaelyn | William | Aenyris | Jaehaerys | Elia | Rhaeys | Genna | Brandon |

[info]ex_dragonpri265 in [info]awod

May 11: an evening's escape

Who: Jaehaerys, Geric, Myles
What: Escaping the feast
When: May 11, late in the evening
Where: The Red Keep
Rating: PG-13 (may go up later if the king has any Great Ideas involving raki and a tavern)
Status: Open

and the king and his knights )