March 4th, 2018




Who: Lady Sif & Loki
What: Saying goodbye
When: Sometime after this
Rating/Warnings: Green

It made a sick sort of sense to him, to wear such armor as he had when his worst deeds were done, while trying to settle his past with the present. )




Who: Wanda & Pietro Maximoff
What: Reunion
When: An hour or so after this
Rating/Warnings: Green

You have five seconds to tell me why you are in my room and what you want before I push you through the wall. )




Who: Peter Parker and Frank Castle
What: A first meeting, of sorts.
When: March 4th, early evening
Rating/Warnings: Green

And if he lost his balance every time he dramatically jumped into a fray he never would be, except maybe as a meme and no one wanted to be that. )




Who: Kilgrave & Patsy Trish Walker
What: A chance encounter
When: After the delightful Kilgrave/Jessica reunion.
Rating/Warnings: TBD - In Progress

I was hoping you would be agreeable. )