February 23rd, 2018




Who: Loki, Darcy Lewis
What: Is it a date or is it subterfuge? The answer is both.
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Don't even ask.
Rating/Warnings: Yellow for all dem f-bombs.

'Beware: some liars tell the truth.' )




Who: Pepper and Tony
What: Since it's Darcy's day off, Tony went to pick up his stuff from Pep's penthouse expecting Happy to be there. Oops.
When: Friday afternoon.
Rating/Warning: Reddish for tastefully breezed-over sexy times.

'I feel wanted again. And not just criminally, either.' )




Who: Peter Parker & NPC bad guy
What: Something hinky is happening
When: 23 Feb, very early morning
Rating/Warnings: Green, with a little bit of fisticuffs

Maybe a text wouldn’t be too much of a bother... )