Friday, May 16th, 2014

Hey guys! Back from hiatus/vacation! I just tossed up a couple opens for people for when I get home from work tomorrow. I'll get to the old stuff and the newer stuff then. Thanks for being so patient with me.

~Jaclyn (Sam, Logan, Magni, Kat, Miranda)
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Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

Work has been utter hell for the past two days, so I'm taking a bit of a break for the next couple days. Hopefully, by Wednesday(my day off) I'll have some stability again.

~ Jaclyn (Miranda, Sam, Magni, Logan, Kat)
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Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Hey all, Jaclyn here. I realized I forgot to intro myself and my characters so lemme fix that!

Katsuro Barton )

Logan Lopez )

Sam Rogers )

Miranda Stark )

Magni Thorson )

So that’s all of them! I’m on the lookout for lines and plot with all of them! I work on the weekends, and tend to have to head off by 9/930 EST Thursday-Sunday. However, I've got OOC contacts on most of my journals, I think, and I'm almost always reachable by email at aphelionguardian [@]
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