Sunday, September 14th, 2014

Hello, people-types! I owe AT LEAST two of you tags (old tags, I am so sorry), and at first I could blame it on getting Sims 4, but I also ended up saddled with extra stuff at work, where the internet is unreliable at best. I'm sure I've mentioned it to, like... literally all of you because I'm chatty, but I work overnight shifts, and I normally only work weekends. The guy who does the same job that I do on all the other nights of the week is on vacation, so I've been working every night since Wednesday, and won't actually get a real break until Tuesday morning. And RL has actually been happening, so go figure.

My goal is to catch up on all of my tags Sunday afternoon when I get up. We're moving out of the busy part of the weekend anyway, so tomorrow night at work I should also be around for real, since the hotel will be mostly empty. I've literally only had the brainpower for stuff with Kait in the last few days (including conversations, which is why I haven't been on AIM ): ), but hopefully I'll power through the next two nights and be able to really settle back in on Tuesday when the train finally stops.

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Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

It's Joooo with her #8. This is Mercy Summers, kiddo of Hope Summers and Gabriel Cohuelo, which makes her Caylie's little sister. :D Hope disappeared when she was a few months old, and Gabriel sucks at all things parentage, so he gave her up for adoption and ran in the other direction. Mercy's been a foster care kid since forever, and her most recent foster home is with Chloe Collins [info]warlikewitch, who obviously didn't take the kid in out of the goodness of her heart.

Mercy has two main powers: empathic power boosting, and limited chronokinesis. Within a close-ish range, Mercy boosts any superhuman power. If she's high stress, scared or angry, she makes other people more powerful and takes away their control. Calm or neutral, her presence actually helps instead, and gives extra control as well as a boost. Mercy is incapable of turning this power off, and it's only been recently that she knows it even exists.

Her second power lets her "pause" objects or people within a range. Think Piper from Charmed, without the explosions.

Her foster mom lives nearby and is in the process of manipulating the crap out of her. Chloe actively encourages Mercy not to get along with or get attached to people at the Academy, so expect Mercy to be That Kid when she starts out. She certainly doesn't think she wants friends or other adults to connect to, but she needs them, especially given that her new mom is secretly a supervillain.
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Sunday, July 27th, 2014

Okay so I'm going to bed really soon and sleeping 5EVER, because this entire weekend was long, stressful, and a little too homophobic for my comfort level. But once I get a good night's sleeps, I'll hit up all the tags, I promise.
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Friday, July 11th, 2014

So just FYI for everyone, my brain's been on the fritz since at least May, and I'm right at the tail end of a really crappy downswing. It means I'm really not okay, and though it'll get better soon, I might not be around a whole lot until it does. I'm not going on hiatus and I'll still be posting, I'll just be spotty about being social and will be posting less than normal until I start feeling better. I might not even be on AIM, and if I am and I'm not marked "Available", then call it a 10% chance of getting an answer from me. Your best bet is contact posts or emails if you really need something.

Hopefully I'll be back to normal soon. I would really, really enjoy it if I was.

Jo - Annabel, Mark, Marvel, Pella, Luka, Jes, Beau
(x-posted to a couple places)
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Saturday, July 5th, 2014

So my brain has been not-well for a while now (think late May), and in the last week or so it's been getting particularly bad. I'm not going on hiatus or semi-hiatus by any means, I'm just giving you guys a head's up so that you know why I'm dragging. I'm mentally exhausted, and sometimes that means that I have difficulty doing things quickly. I know I owe tags and at least one start; I haven't forgotten. I'm just also actively fighting through brain sludge to get to it and I very easily feel stretched thin. I just need a little patience, but I will get to my stuff.

Hopefully this will pass soon. I can feel it getting bad enough that I'll eventually have a breakdown that'll relieve the brain pressure and let me go back to living my life without the sludge. Just please don't take it personally if I don't answer IMs (especially if I'm listed as "Away" -- sometimes I forget to take that down, other times I'm genuinely away) or don't get to tags/mod questions/apps/etc. quickly. It's not you, it's me.
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Sunday, June 15th, 2014

Yoooooooo. This is Jo with #7, Beau Lebeau. His real first name is Étienne, but... no. Nope. He gets this stupid nickname instead.

He's Bex Lebeau's twin brother and inherited his mother's powers. He's been absorbing Bex is short bursts since they were in the womb together, so his sister has taken up a sort of permanent residence in his head and it's made him kinda fucked up, when combined with the inevitable accidents that put more people in his head, too. He's kind of a troublemaker, but also he's really not? It's complicated. Also, he's a budding con artist, because reasons.

About a year ago, he had an incident with a supervillain when a powered terrorist group (to be determined!) attacked the Academy. While defending himself and his sister, Beau absorbed one of the baddies until the guy was in a coma and temporarily went batty. In order to fix him, Emma Frost performed her signature "psychic surgery" to lock away as much of the bad dude's personality and memories as possible, leaving Beau with memories of of the incident and his powers (flight and super strength) but none of the yucky asshole brain parts. For now, anyway.

Soooo yes. He's a junior. He needs friends/connections/etc. (Plz app more students.) He'll probably get along with Vanessa, considering they had phys ed together last year and she already seems to get on with Bex. :D
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Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

truth plot permissions!

As some of y'all know, Luka has the internet in his brainmeats. I decided against a blanket permission post because it's better if it's on ME to ask instead of on YOU to have to come to me every time there's something you don't want him to read, but just for the truth plot: who is okay with Luka snooping on their truth-y conversations for this week?
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Friday, May 23rd, 2014

So my schedule got jacked this month because of sickness/unexpected extended vacation, which means I have some threads that are grossly overdue for tags. HOW-EV-AH, I don't want to pester any of you guys that I owe said tags to if you've already mentally moved on, and there's enough of you that this actually might be more efficient than emails/dropbox comments.

Lex, Kim, Christine and Megan: Are you guys okay if I tag our logs? It's totally okay to say no, I way overburdened myself like a moron so I understand if you're like "nope, ship's sailed, try not to do that again".
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Saturday, May 17th, 2014

Hellooooo, everyone! Popping in to say that my and Kait's vacation actually got extended! I've been scarce thanks to that; I was actually supposed to be around Thursday, but I got a little food poisoning that kinda messed me up. Then Friday and Saturday we were in Cape Cod for a wedding and I conked out at 10:30 Friday night.

Anyway! Long story short, I had to drive home today after the wedding, caught a quick nap, and now I'm at work (which is good! I can be online at work :D). I'm crashing the second I get home so I can spend tomorrow afternoon and evening both driving TO and being IN Cape Cod, because we're staying out there until Tuesday! It'll be less a Family Event and more Kait & Jo's Adventures by the Beach, but it does mean we'll be scarce. There will be Wifi in the hotel, and we're such homebodies we'll definitely be using it, but expect us (or me, at least) not to be at full capacity until later on Tuesday night, because Tuesday will be both driving home from the Cape and the SPN finale, and the latter means that I'll be severely emotionally compromised for a significant length of time.

tl;dr - Here tonight, scarce until late Tuesday night because I'm going to the beach, motherfuckas.


(x-posted, so some of you will see this more than once)
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Sunday, May 11th, 2014

I'm finally caught up with ALL OF MY TAGS. So if I owe you a tag and didn't get to it in the last hour or two, please tell me, because then I done fucked up and I need to get to it. And I have a couple days off (yay) so the tags should actually get tagged, like... timely-like.

(Also next time I open myself up for logs, please help me self regulate and only agree to ONE at a time, because I saddled my stupid ass with 13 all at once and that's part of the reason that tagging is taking me so long. I am an idiot. Lesson learned.)

Happy Mother's Day! I know at least one of you has kids (Chris, right?), and so that, and happy mother's day to people whose mothers are not hellbeasts.
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Thursday, May 8th, 2014

I owe a BUNCH of you tags and I'm super sorry I didn't hit them earlier. Aunt Flo hit me like a bat to the stomach out of nowhere (TMI but she hasn't visited in a long time so this is unusual) and I've been way too tired/crabby/in pain to turn out anything good. I should be back up on my game now, though, and I'm tagging everything I owe tonight.

You guys are awesome for being patient, thank you. <333

Love, Jo
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014

I'm just a girl, standing in front of a game, whoring herself out for logs. Seriously, who wants 'em? I'll start for whoever nabs me in this post. Semi-limited time offer, since I'd... probably start any other log at any other time, too.


Here are my people:

Annabel Nelson [info]cleansupnice
Luka Romanov [info]farthestreaches
Jes Rogers [info]fallwithstyle
Pella Castle [info]readyaimfire
Mark Reilly [info]redspiders
Marvel Kaplan [info]livingforever

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Hi there, it's Jo! So a thing I was going to do with Elle didn't pan out, but I have this newbie instead.

This is Jes Rogers / Warbird. She's Sam Rogers' twin sister (she was even name dropped in a log or two). Ex-USAF, currently SHIELD, she doubled up as a military pilot and a SHIELD agent since she was 18 until she was discharged from the Air Force under DADT in 2009 for being a lesbian. There was a huge controversy and while ultimately she didn't win her case, there was a shitstorm for the military and the pressure went a long way toward the eventual repeal of the law. For the last five years she's been an active Commander in SHIELD (think Captain America) and she's barely been home. Like, two holidays a year barely been home.

She's just recently been hired by Emma to take over the day to day running of New Avalon. She took the job so she could come back home and try to get to know people again, so old family relationships and friendships need apply for reconnection. She's only 32 and technically, she's Emma's right hand person, but Emma's usually not going to be around to veto anything she does. Sorry, Owen.
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Monday, April 7th, 2014

Hi everyone! I'm Jo and I'm one of your friendly neighborhood mods. I've had the chance to talk to some of you guys behind the scenes, but this is my post and I'll overshare if I want to. I've got the full six, because reasons (early bird mod reasons), and this is a little weensy bit long. Cliffnotes!

(Also once Kait gets up I'll try to get her to code me something a bit easier to read, swearsies.)

Click! )
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