Nov. 30th, 2013


Hey, guys, it's Julia! I have to take a hiatus, I'll be going on vacation on Sunday, and I will be gone till the next Sunday at least. But it might not be until the following Monday or Tuesday that I get back in the swing of tagging and whatnot. I'm going to do my best to get my tags done before then, though, esp since I don't have that many. I am posting this in all my games, so if you see it twice, my bad. I won't be on the net at all, but you can email me during the week and I'll get to it when I get back. My email is XD. We're going to Orlando, it's partly for my 30th birthday, and partly because my dad got asked back, there's this big convention thing for his work. I will miss rping, and everyone! Don't have too much fun while I'm gone! Lmao.


PS. I just got a program for making icons, WOOOT, and I'll be doing some, maybe not while I'm on hiatus, but maybe a little, in downtime, and I am happy to share with anybody, I'm going to be starting with season 5, since it's the newest, but I'm going to probs do some from all of the seasons, and in particular, I'm going to be trying to do some Jeff & Nick ones, and Cooper, since I know there's not a lot out there, and I don't mind because it's SUPER fun, I've already done some. XD. But let me know if you want anything specific, I can't promise they'll be super fancy, but they will be cute! XD.

Aug. 25th, 2013



I want to apologize for being super scarce as of late. I had a death in the family and was out of town for the funeral. But I'm back now and aim to get all caught up...

Jul. 29th, 2013



Hey all you fine peeps! I'm just coming on here to say that I'm going to be a little scarce on here. I'm going to try and reply (if I have tonight and tomorrow night. My Birthday is on Wednesday, and I have a fun filled week ahead of me spending time with family and friends and going out of town Friday until Sunday. I'll be back to RP epicness either Sunday evening or Monday. I might be able to do some tagging here and there though with my phone.

If anyone wants to plot with Rachel or Cassie, let me know!


Jun. 26th, 2013


OOC activity notice!

I'm hopping on a plane early tomorrow morning for the east coast and two and a half weeks of hauling kids around to visit both sets of grandparents, so my availability is about to get a little spotty. I'll try to check in as consistently as I can, and I'll be doing my best to still get discussion posts and the July activity check up in a timely manner, but there's a fair chance that I might be restricted to my phone for internet access, so y'all be patient with me -- and if anyone needs me for anything, email is still best!

Also, for those characters who have expressed interest in the Lima Bean's live music, let me know if you want me/Nick to assign them a date, or if you'd rather choose your own Tuesday during the summer. Nothing's set so far, so if there's a week that works best for you, feel free to go ahead and claim it!

May. 9th, 2013



So. I have been absent for a bit. And this is my warning: I'm going to the dentist tomorrow and I think I'm going to get a wisdom tooth pulled. It hurts and

If I'm real absent or loopy this weekend. That's why.

I give Stacey full control of Quinn via Nick or Blaine if she's needed and I'm not here.

Apr. 13th, 2013


.ooc. moving

Hey team! So, here's the obligatory announcement out of respect for you all. Though, Stacey already knows. I'm moving on Monday! Which is so exciting and good for me, but it also means that I'm going to be a little bit absent and slow for this week, I think. For at least Monday. But it might be a few days before I have internet in my new all internet usage may be coming from my phone, which tends to hate IJ.

So if you can't reach me on the journals and need Quinn for some reason, email is your best bet. I'll try to minimize my absence. Mostly because I love you guys and will miss you!

Feb. 17th, 2013



Dear all,

I'm moving tomorrow, which is a wonderful, exciting thing. This also means I need to take a hiatus until my internet gets restored. Hopefully, soon.

I'm always available via email, and will try to be on IM sometimes, but I won't be on the journals or tagging.



Dec. 17th, 2012


Heads up!

Hey guys, with the holidays rolling around and everything. I thought that I would tell you that as much as I'll be around except for Christmas of course. December 28th until probably January 1st, I will be totally out of it. I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out the 28th so I'm going to be all groggy and sleepy probably for a couple of days. Merry Christmas to me huh? LOL, anyways, so I wanted to let you know that those days, I will either be really slow, or not on at all. Though we all know I try to get on as much as possible.


Nov. 30th, 2012



Hello all!

I am in the middle of production week for a big play (type thing) that I'm involved in at school, so I've been kind of absent this week and I am sorry. I am performing the show Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. So that's busy, and then the next two weeks round out the end of my college career with commencement on Dec. 14th. Crazy. Additionally, I work at a church and it's Advent, so it's a hugely busy season for us. So that's keeping me kind of tied up. I'm trying very hard to be active, but something has come up...

I have a severe UTI (yup, too much info, I know) and a flare up of PCOS (look it up if you'd like, but again, TMI). I spent most of tonight in the ER getting pain meds and making sure no infection had spread from my bladder to my kidneys. We think we're in the clear, but who really knows. So it's a crazy weekend already and I'm rather ill on top of it.

As such, I may or may not be up to playing, though, and would appreciate everyone's patience as I work this hellish painful experience out. Hopefully I'll be in full swing by Monday evening, but I don't know yet.

Thanks guys.


Oct. 29th, 2012



Hi guys,

So, I'm one of those people who is about to have all of their well intentioned plans for this week laughed at and smashed by Hurricane Sandy.

So I will be scarce this week.

I hate hurricanes.

Aug. 18th, 2012


OOC activity notice take 2

Thanks, guys... )

Aug. 14th, 2012


OOC activity notice

Guys, I've had a death in the family, so I'm currently sitting in the airport waiting to catch a flight back to the east coast with two small kids in tow -- I may not be able to respond to tags very well for at least today, and the next week is going to be patchy, too. I will do my very best to keep up where I can, and won't be able to jump into any new threads, unfortunately (like the mass thread, which I was going to look at today, I'm so sorry!). I have this week's discussion post already partially coded on my Dropbox, so I'm going to try to retrieve it and post before my flight leaves, but please bear with me!

(I am still hoping to be able to participate in the costume party this weekend, at least, but we'll see what my availability is going to be like...)

If anyone needs me, email is still the quickest way to reach me -- thanks in advance for your patience!

Jun. 8th, 2012



I found my wireless router in the piles of boxes yesterday, and got it hooked up this morning, so I'm officially back online and at full strength again -- just on the west coast, now, :) I'll be unpacking for the next couple of weeks, but I should be much better about comments and thread replies now, so I'll be posting a bit more again. I know I owe Jaimie some plotting for Blaine and Rachel in the children's workshop, but if anyone else needs Blaine or Nick for anything, just let me know, I'm itching to jump back in!

Thanks for being patient with me, and thanks for all the good wishes!

May. 23rd, 2012


OOC activity notice

A heads up for anyone who needs me for any plot lines or threads for the next few weeks: I'm in the process of moving halfway across the country (Texas to California), so my availability might be kind of patchy until about mid June. For the most part I should still have access right up until June 1, but after that I'm on a plane and trying to get things set up in a new place, so I may be a little harder to reach in early June. I'll have access to my email through my phone, at the very least, so if anyone needs to get ahold of me quickly, that's the best way to do it. This also means a significant time zone change for me, as well -- instead of CST, I'll be on PST.

I'm smack in the middle of packing up a house and all that entails, so if I take a while to reply to tags, or flake out on replies from time to time, please be patient with me! Hopefully I'll be able to make the shift with minimal hassle, and be back up and running at full strength as soon as I get settled in California, :)

May. 4th, 2012


ooc : limited access

My laptop has decided to suddenly up and die on me, in what is completely terrible timing. I'm on limited net access through iPad, right now, which means I can check in, just not very quckly, and I'll probably be slow for tags. I'm getting it looked at tomorrow, but have no idea how long this is going to last -- I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but if anyone needs me, email is the quickest, most reliable way to get ahold of me.
