Sep. 6th, 2013


Britt's set list from Tuesday

Okay. This is Britt's setlist from Tuesday. I am literally too lazy to link things to youtube today, but most of it is stuff Heather sang on glee, and if not I included the original singer. Also, some of them are not singles, but from the albums of the singer. Speaking of, Ariana Grande's album which just came out like last week or something is AMAZING. I haves included a couple of things she may have sang with Blaine, and one she sang with Santana, if that's cool, Stacey. If not, I'll fix it. XD.

My Cup
Tik Tok
I Wanna Dance With Somebody
I'm A Slave For You
Hold It Against Me
Gimme More
Run the World (Girls)
What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)
Shout (sang with Blaine)
Landslide (with Santana)
I'm Not Gonna Teach Him How to Dance With You (with Blaine)
Good Vibrations (with Puck)
Only Wanna Dance with You (Ke$ha)
Thinkin' of You (Ke$ha)
Tattooed Heart (Ariana Grande)
You'll Be In My Heart (Usher's cover, dedicated to Santana)
Just A Kiss (Lady Antebellum, with Puck)
The Way (Ariana Grande & Mac Miller, with Puck)
Two Worlds Collide (Demi Lovato)
You're My Only Shorty (Demi Lovato)
What Have I Done (LeAnn Rimes)
You've Ruined Me (LeAnn Rimes)

Nov. 16th, 2012



HEY. XD. I finally have the bb I promised Niki he could have. So, Jackson is a very snobbish Southerner. He is trying to be a better guy, and he's gay, but his family doesn't know. He is also trying not to be a sterotype. He wants to be a different kind of gay. He is somewhat manly, he likes to do sports and things, but he's a rich Southern boy, and he misses Georgia, so he might be testy at first. He is trying to learn to see others' point of view, also, so he is changing from what he used to be. He didn't come out until college, because being Southern, it's a little harder than it is in the North. He's only kissed one boy, and it didn't have fireworks for him so he hasn't done anything more. He never told anyone at all he was gay until college, either, so he's also learning to let that side of him out. He is meant for Niki, but I don't want things to be roses with them right away, so I might have him flirt around a bit. I also will talk everything to death with Maureen, so as long as she's okay with certain things we can work around that too. XD. Let's gives my bb some plotses!


Nov. 10th, 2012


Reminder: A Christmas Carol Auditions

Reminder for anyone interested in auditioning for A Christmas Carol (or working tech) that sign ups will run through SUNDAY and the list will be posted on MONDAY.

If you have any desire to be a part of the show, please comment with your character name to the audition post HERE. Those interested in working tech just comment with your character and put Tech next to their name and we'll put them on the tech list.

As a community production, it's open to everyone regardless of theater experience (hence why Cooper is participating) so feel free to join in!


Sep. 25th, 2012


Auditions Deadline

If anyone else intends to audition for either the Dalton Warblers or for the production of Chicago, please post yourself into the appropriate thread at some point today (Tuesday), as we'll be finalizing the lists tomorrow around lunch time EST.

Dalton Warblers thread: HERE

Chicago interest thread: HERE

Thanks everyone!

Mar. 28th, 2012


Opening Day : Welcome to ATW!

Hey guys, we know you're as excited to get started as we are.  Today's opening day, and even though we're still gaining new players, let's get this game started and get some posts up on the board. Currently WMU is on spring break, with students returning to campus this weekend -- students who live off campus are welcome to still be in town, and interactions over the journals aren't dependent on where your character is, so feel free to jump right in!

As a general introduction, we're your two mods: Stacey is the resident code-monkey and list-maker, and plays Blaine and Nick; and Rebecca is the idea-man and expert on all things higher education (so if you have a question about how WMU works, she's the university guru!), and she plays Kurt and Jeff.

In terms of plotting, we have some ideas in the works for the coming weeks, but if you have anything you'd like to suggest or plan, please let us know -- there should be a general plotting thread going up here in the next couple of days, to give you a place to coordinate and make suggestions, so keep an eye out for that. We look forward to playing with all of you!

~Rebecca & Stacey

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Now accepting applications!

We've started posting our first game ads, which means we're now accepting holds and applications! Based on the rough academic calender we've come up with, McKinley will be closed for spring break starting next week, March 23-30, with students returning to campus the weekend after and back to classes on April 2nd. We're accepting applications with the intention of players having spring break week to settle in and adjust before sending their characters back to class, so interactions over the journals will still be fair game and encouraged, and after our official March 28 start date, RP threads for those characters who stayed in Lima are encouraged!

We've been developing and building the game for several months now, so hopefully everything is clearly explained and laid out, but if there are any questions, or if anyone finds broken links or coding that were somehow missed, please let us know!

Rebecca & Stacey
~ ATW Mods ~