Mar. 16th, 2010


..pain. so much pain. Godforsaken machine.

Mar. 15th, 2010


Filtered to Chloe.

this is awkwa
you were here and now you're gone

I'm not very good at being the calm voice of reason in these kinds of situations, so I'll just spare you the theatrics and come right out and ask. Did you move out because of me?

Mar. 13th, 2010


And all the other costumes…

If you’re name is up there, congratulations, I like you enough to come looking for you. This is Zatanna and right now, if you’re here, I’d really like to know that you’re as okay as I am. If you’re happily back home and somebody else is reading this? Feel free ignore me and go back to whatever you were doing ten seconds ago. Unless of course you have something helpful to say. If that’s the case, then by all means come forth, speak up and tell me what you know. I can repay you for the favor.

I’m asking for help on a message board. Why am I

Mar. 12th, 2010


Oh entire community on a computer..

Mar. 10th, 2010


I can't find a way out
I want to make one but where? How?
at least the demons made sense

I adjusted the frequency on our comm links for a signal back home and got nothing. I tried
I'm so I don't know what to think. Except that I'm in need of maybe a fifty foot tall Advil because it's all giving me a headache that refuses to go away.


You know what's stupid? This new Sonic game. Sonic Racing. Why the hell would anyone give Sonic the Hedgehog a race car? He's supposed to be the fastest thing alive on foot. This game is so pointless, it looks like I've got a new coaster.


If you’re currently in love raise your hand and don’t be shy because I know I’ll find out eventually anyway. I’m gonna keep track of you all because you’re mine and I’m not letting anyone else have you

Mar. 9th, 2010


Private to everyone MINUS Ares

So I have apparantly been charged with coming up with a game for the God of War... How? I'm not sure. But it happened. So thoughts? How do I did into this?! I'm thinking a chess game with some of Hephestas' people. But I don't know. this isn't what I do!

I'm a vigilate I'm not an executive for Parker Brothers.

Mar. 8th, 2010


I want to shoot Hephaestus’ people and watch them run all around and chase each other and leave their jobs to make out in the bathrooms and outside and everywhere else! I don’t see why I would get into trouble for that. It’s not like I’m going to do it to the people who matter yet and it’s getting boring and Ganymede isn't here to play with me and that is terrible. Just terrible.