March 13th, 2010

[info]secondcry in [info]atticcity_talk

Filtered to Oliver

Thank you.

[info]alwaysanarcher in [info]atticcity_talk

Private )

So Eros. Archery contest? Where and when?

[info]ignorethechair in [info]atticcity_talk

Okay. Let us review. This is not a magical online community. We are not currently tromping - or you are not currently tromping - through spun sugar grass among the marshmallow trees.

This is a message board system set up in Javascript for our own usage. We are not currently in the Matrix. No matter what a certain billionare would have us believe.

That is all.

EDIT: And no. We are not dreaming.

[info]arataz_annataz in [info]atticcity_talk

And all the other costumes…

If you’re name is up there, congratulations, I like you enough to come looking for you. This is Zatanna and right now, if you’re here, I’d really like to know that you’re as okay as I am. If you’re happily back home and somebody else is reading this? Feel free ignore me and go back to whatever you were doing ten seconds ago. Unless of course you have something helpful to say. If that’s the case, then by all means come forth, speak up and tell me what you know. I can repay you for the favor.

I’m asking for help on a message board. Why am I