January 17th, 2008

[info]zoyabaruskov in [info]atr_storylines

Hey there all,

I'm Jen and I'm behind both Willow and Zoya. And I guess I should have like...done a post for Willow. Err, that'll come later today. But uh, anyway. The crazy Russian girl's background can be found here. I did pretty thoroughly emphasize her temper, but she's got other moods and emotions. She's human, and all.

Now, Zoya definitely chafes at authority, even authority she respects so I'm not sure how well she might get along with the cop crowd. Still, a little friction can be fun. The girl's obsessed with looking like a bad ass, so opportunities to go out scavenging, maybe bend the rules a little bit, are all fair game with her.

She's also probably due for the hard realization that looking cool and living dangerous isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm not talking character death or anything, but maybe someone who's been down that road. I'm also not promising she'll listen.

Other than that, I'm open to usual opportunities for friends, partners in crime, rivals, and maybe even a romantic interest. Plus any suggestions. My AIM (zoyabaruskov) is up something like 24/7, so if I don't have an away up I'm probably near my computer. Worst case scenario, I'll have to get back to you. Drop me a line whenever.

[info]pashenka in [info]atr_storylines

I should have probably done this before I went to bed, but hey! I'm Cain. I also play [info]rossio.

Anyway, this is Pashenka (or Pasha), the angry little Russian man. Since Dan's pretty asocial, Pashenka will probably end up being my ~*social butterfly*~ character--even though he's rude, crude, and just sort of a miserable pissant in general.

Moving on to storyline ideas:
Like his sister, Pashenka hates obeying rules. He grew up doing whatever he was told. Now that he's an adult, authority leaves a bad taste in his mouth. So... friction would be awesome.

Guns. He knows them. He likes them. He would, with coaxing, be willing to teach people how to shoot and take care of them.

Supply runs. Pasha is perpetually stir crazy. Being cooped up in a prison with a bunch of people he doesn't know very well isn't exactly his ideal living situation. As such, he's willing to brave zombies if it means fresh air and new scenery.

I know that's not a lot of ideas. Sorry. But I'm always online (no life at all :D), and more often than not, I'm willing to scene. So if something here strikes your fancy, feel free to drop me a line at pasha baruskov.

February 2008

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