January 16th, 2008

[info]firecrackerjack in [info]atr_storylines

Supplies List.:

Piggy backing on what the lovely Leroymun has said, I'm going to throw in my two cents. We totally need to start doing things now that there has been character development big time. So here is a list me and hlyshtzombiiiiieess (lol) and Jen put together.

We need a team of four five? who are strong willed and also not afraid and good with weapons to go out for supplies. So I'm thinking the following people.

- Leniceya goes to be like the medic.
- Dan stays behind for the technical hoo ha, (You'll get your adventure yet.)
- Jack and Leroy who know firearms.
- Maybe Wolfe because he likes to piss people off?.

There's our four unless anyone objects or wants to join in.

Now our supplies list.

- Batteries
- Shaving cream/Toothbrushes/Bathroom supplies/Toilet paper.
- Lighter, matches, flashlights, anything in the light directory.
- Books, magazines, reading material. (Even if the press isn't going to go haay paris hilton anytime soon.)
- Candles
- Tampons/Female accessories.
- Blankets, pillows.
- Bullets. Gun accessories.
- Clothes.
- Wiring
- Tarp
- Over the counter and prescription drugs.

Now would this be a big thing for the survivors? Would they be excited? Scared? The flu is going around, everyone is worrying about that.

Any thought or suggestions would rock.

February 2008

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