Slashing Stargate Atlantis
.::: .::... .:::::. .: ::: ..:::: .:..
FIC (Repost, sorta) Perchance to Dream (John/Rodney, hard R)

Now that the episode has aired, I can put this puppy up on the website and broadcast it!

Perchance to Dream
by MrsHamill

Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For episode 404, Doppleganger
Summary: Why weren't there any hot girls in Sheppard's dreams?
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat
Notes: [info]mecurtin wanted bed!fic and [info]amireal wanted comment fic about Doppelganger so I did my best!

* * *

To da fic!

Current Mood: accomplished

That episode has officially replaced Sateda as my favorite of all time! SUCH a lot of stuff in there, almost all of it wonderful. And you know why John's got a kiddie bed -- because he's sleeping in Rodney's room!

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it.