Asylum Promotion
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Enroll at Stratford University [info]stratfordu! Opening this week, Still PLENTY of Shakespearen Characters free for application!

The spirit of Shakespearean Theatre lives on in Stratford, Ontario in Canada. Established in 1915, was the Stratford Liberal Arts University. The school where your favorite characters from William Shakespeare's plays enroll or teach.

Tragedy has struck the school this year when the President of the University, Hamilton Prince Sr. died under mysterious circumstances during the summer. To make the it more controversial, the late President was replaced by his brother Claudius Prince, who married widow Gertrude Prince only a couple months after the tragic death. The staff are nervous to see the affect this will have on English Professor, and only son of the former President, Hamilton Prince Jr. So far the school has tried to go back to normal.

The Winter Semester has just started. The winter productions will be starting rehearsals soon, and all the classes are already going underway. Soon enough, it will be midterms. The Student Union has gone through changes, since Duncan Scott was kicked out of school, leaving Nathaniel Bath to take over as President of the Student Union.

Student life seems to be getting more hectic and full of stress and the Professor's lives aren't much easier. With all the controversy and strange coincidences, will they be able to make it through the year? Follow your favorite plots, or create some more drama for yourself. For “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players”!
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