Asylum Promotion
.....: .:.:.:..:

IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

Find the right asylum for you!

May 2024
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The [info]holiday_wishes Comm is officially open! Time to break out the wishes, gifts, holiday spirit, good cheer, and all that other sappy rot ;)

At Holiday Wishes everyone is invited to post a list of up to TEN things they really really want. After you post your wishes, check out other people's, and if it is in your heart and ability to do so, make someone's wish come true! Other holiday related posts are welcomed as well (such as DIY gift ideas, charity links, or sharing a special activity or recipe that your family has for the winter holidays)

Be sure to check out the guidelines and faqs!

NOTE: While Holiday wishes began on Livejournal and continues strong there, a number of people requested a mirrored community here on Insane Journal. If you interact both on Livejournal and Insanejournal, you may post your wishlist (with the same wishes!) to the Holiday Wishes communities on both journaling communities.

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