Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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Just a few............

Love them or hate them, My Chemical Romance are here to stay. So in honour of my favourite guilty pleasure I present to you a whole bunch of asylums dedicated to the aforementioned band.

[info]mychemicalnews - For news and updates about the band, their tours and their solo projects.

[info]mcr_fridayfive - Five Questions on a Friday to do with MCR.

[info]mcr_icons - For all your MCR icon needs.

[info]mcr_pic_spam - Picture spam of the MCR boys.

[info]mcrmacros - Mah MCR Macros, let us show you dem!

[info]mcr100 - A weekly drabble challenge asylum.

[info]mcruncut - For drabbles that run longer than the challenge.

[info]myslashromance - For slash fiction about the band.

[info]frankxgerard - For those of us who love Frerard.

[info]mcr_hardcore - For those who love more violent fiction.

[info]waycest - For fiction, pictures and graphics about the Brothers Way.

[info]mcr_happybubble - Happy MCR fans unite!

[info]bob_exists - Because there seriously isn't enough Bob in this Fandom

There's my not so guilty pleasure Bullet for My Valentine

[info]bfmvFor news and updates about the band and their tours.

[info]bfmv_icons - For all your BFMV icon needs

[info]bfmv100 - Drabbles about our welsh boys!

[info]bfmv_macros - Mah BFMV Macros, let us show you dem!

[info]bfmv_pic_spam - Picture spam of the welsh boys.

[info]bfmvslash - Slash fiction about the boys.

A spot of Mindless Self Indulgence anyone?

[info]msi_fans - For News and Updates about the band

[info]msi_icons - For all your MSI graphics needs

[info]msi_fiction - For you MSI fiction needs

How about Kill Hannah anyone?

[info]killhannahnews - For news and updates

[info]kh_icons - For Kill Hannah Icons

[info]kh_slash - For slash fiction about the boys

And a little Avenged Sevenfold

[info]a7x_icons - Avenged Icons

[info]a7x_slash - for all your Avenged Fiction needs

And then there's the Harry Potter Love

[info]dracoharry100 - Drabbles about Draco and Harry

[info]slytherin_skin - For those of us who are purebloods and marked with ink.

And as always Buffy the Vampire Slayer

[info]btvs100 - Drabbles about the Buffyverse

[info]buffy_icons - For all your Buffy Icon needs

[info]buffylove - Fiction set in the Buffyverse

New Icon Communities

[info]horror_icons - Need a bit of Freddie in your icons?

[info]metal_icons - Eddie missing from your life?

[info]music_icons - Music icons, any band welcome.

[info]30stm_icons - 30 Seconds to Mars icons

[info]rhcp_icons - Red Hot Chili Pepper icons

And lastly...
[info]ilovethe80s - Name says it all really!

[info]random_thoughts - For random thoughts

[info]happybubble - Spread the love, tell everyone what makes you happy. Photo's, videos and just text is welcome!

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