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May 2024
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On May 2nd, 1998, the Wizarding World was purged of the greatest and most terrible evil it had ever known. The Boy Who Lived finally conquered the Dark Lord, once and for all. Naturally, society had its work cut out for it from that point. The Ministry’s rebuilding efforts took a considerable amount of time and attempted to right all the things that had been wronged, perverted, and nigh on destroyed by Lord Voldemort’s reign of terror. The first change came with Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt’s election as Minister for Magic on June 17th, 1998. Under the de-facto leadership of the Wizengamot, the captured Muggleborns were released from Azkaban and committees were instated to oversee the reconstruction of Hogwarts and Diagon Alley and Wizarding Britain began what would be a long recovery.

Shacklebolt absolutely trounced his competitors in the popular election, thus winning the Wizengamot’s appointment to the Minister’s spot and, in his inauguration speech, he promised that the tyranny of Voldemort’s Ministry, the corruption of Fudge’s, and the wartime suspension of personal liberties seen under Scrimgeour were to be relics of the past. This new Ministry, he promised, would be fervently dedicated to protecting its people and their rights. It was, in the words of many, the dawning of a new era.

No one was to be made any different than anyone else, and Minister Shacklebolt started by modifying the probation system in June 2000. There were no changes to be had for the Death Eaters, but several members of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore’s Army, including Harry Potter and Shacklebolt themselves, were placed on different levels of probation as well, to show that no one was immune from accepting the consequences of their involvement in the War.

Finally, shortly following the modifications to the probation system, Minister Shacklebolt sent a package to every of-age Witch and Wizard in Great Britain, containing a small, black leather journal and a short statement of intent. According to Minister Shacklebolt’s letter, the journals are meant as a means to bring people together. Using special charms, people can communicate with one another much quicker than they can with owls and it is the Ministry’s hope that using these new devices will help people to see past their superficial differences.

As the summer of 2000 carries on, the people of Wizarding Britain are trying to adjust to all the changes in their lives and environment. Will society finally come together, or will old prejudices refuse to die?

full premise & rules & character list & application & cast

[info]rej_ic & [info]rejuvenate



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