Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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Pandemansion a Panfandom RPG

The gods are up to no good again. A large conference was called, many showed up, many others deemed it not worth their precious time. The proceedings were long, drawn out and arguments were had. Many plans were drawn up, discussed, thrown out and redone. One plan was finally agreed upon.

A plan that would change the course of a chosen few of their followers.

All the worlds, all the times, beings could feel the pull. The mansion called, beckoned them to a time in paradise, held them within the confines of the island. Here only the mansion ruled, ever changing, ever listening, and all knowing.

Welcome to Pandemansion.

[Wanted Characters][Mansion Layout][Application][Taken/Held Characters][PB Table][Posting Guidelines][Rules][FAQs][Taken Rooms][Timeline][Contact Info (FO)][Friend Add (FO)][On Hiatus (FO)]

Our start date was March 14. We're still accepting holds and applications, so do come and join the madness! Small plots will be added every few day changes so there will always be something to do.

Adds to be done 05/02/08!

[[info]pandemod - Mod Journal][[info]pandemansion - Main RPG Community][[info]pandemansionooc - OOC Community][[info]pandenpc - NPC Journal]

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