Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

Find the right asylum for you!

May 2024
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Salutations, denizens of InsaneJournal! I've made two asylums which some of you might be interested in joining.

The first is [info]goblinmarket. This is one where you can share any poems you've discovered that you've liked or found particularly meaningful. This isn't, however, the place where you can post poems that you yourself have written. For that, you can have...

[info]thewritersguild, similar to a community on Livejournal. This is the place where you can post your own writing -- poems, stories, essays, chapters from books, drabbles, and anything, really... just as long as it isn't fanfiction. You can get critiques and suggestions for improving your writing (or praise :D).

So, if you of you are interested, please join!


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