July 31st, 2009

[info]faicinn_rocais in [info]areyougame

Forever Together [FFVII: Rufus and Dark Nation]

Title: Forever Together
Author: Faicinn_Rocais
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst and spontaneity
Word count: ~1250
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Rufus and Dark Nation (gen, obviously, I hope): his only real friend - I used to call your name when no one else would come.
Summary: Rufus remembers the good times with Dark Nation after a day gone horribly wrong (It's all thanks to the Science Department, really) and the public showings he has to do this month require him to be at a dog show: just the place he wants to be.
A/N: So I'm an hour or so late, sorry. The monetary system I'm going on is 1.00 USD = 100 gil. I guess even though I like angst, I also like happy endings.

...it was apparently very good with chocobos... )

[info]yohjideranged in [info]areyougame

The July Fic/Art List

[info]yohjideranged in [info]areyougame

Thanks for all the fic (and art)!

What a nice session we had for July here at [info]areyougame! We were graced with some really wonderful fiction and some spectacular art. Congratulations, dear writers and artists! You all should be patting yourselves on the back for a job well done.

Today I bring you a time-line for our next scheduled round.

For the next week - the community will remain open for any of you that lost momentum during the July round or just had life careen into you at top speed - you may certainly post any late fic that you're still planning to write this month. I am sure the readers won't mind. I will just add them onto the July Fic/Art List as they are posted.

On August 8th - I will post a list of the retiring prompts. Feel free to grab these at will - no claiming needed - and post the finished work to the community by August 31.

September - we will start another prompting session for the October round. Feel free to start thinking up your prompts now! ^_^

Fic/Art List - The JulyFic/Art List will be up today.

Again, thanks to all the writers and artists that have contributed to [info]areyougame not only in this round but in past and future ones. You are the reason why this community is so successful and we love you!

[info]faicinn_rocais in [info]areyougame

Forever Together [FFVII: Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris]

Title: Forever Together
Author: Faicinn_Rocais
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: food and fun..sexual situations and nekkidness
Word count: 667
Prompt: -July31---- Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris: sated and satisfied – They didn't all get together often, so they made the most of the time they had.
Summary: Sephiroth finally has a routine down when he manages to get a hint of a day off.
A/N: half an hour late...mreh. I hate college. My cat is cleaning my foot, not that that has any relevance to the story. I based it kinda in ciceqi's mascotverse. And I have made apple walnut crumble caramel things; they are delicious.

...the remains of their picnic and apple walnut crumble caramel thing pie still sitting on their picnic blanket... )

November 2010



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