January 14th, 2009

[info]yohjideranged in [info]areyougame

Prompt List - February 16-28

[info]yohjideranged in [info]areyougame

Prompting is now closed.

Claiming will open at 12:00 AM EST. You can claim your prompts in comments of either of the Master Lists. (Commenting will be available at midnight EST.)

To claim a prompt:

1. Copy and paste the prompts for which you want to write or create art into a comment to this post or either of the prompt posts. Please include the date and whether you are making a fic or art claim as well. Please don’t forget to include the date the prompt is located.

Example: February 20 – Devil May Cry, Nero/Dante: Longing – Where have you been?

2. Each prompt can be claimed a total of six times (three for fic and three for art).

3. You are welcome to claim your own prompts.

4. Collaborations are welcome.

Please be patient with me as I note your claims. Claiming will be on a first comment first noted basis which I will note as soon as possible.

Writers and artists – these prompts are supposed to be challenging and fun. Interpret the prompts as you will but please keep the main elements the requester submitted. All fiction must be at least 100 words. Art claims can be in the medium of the artist's choice - we will accept icons, wallpapers, fanvids, drawings, painting, etc.

Posting instructions will be available around January 28th, but please feel free to start brainstorming or writing/creating as soon as you have your prompt.

Master Lists:

February 1-15
February 16-28

[info]yohjideranged in [info]areyougame

Claiming open...a little early...

I am sure you all won't mind if I open claiming just slightly early. I am hella tired tonight and really need to get some sleep. I don't think I will make it until midnight! :3

CLAIM AT WILL....I will get everyone's claims noted on the list starting in the morning and as the claims roll in.


November 2010



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