October 19th, 2008

[info]rinyula in [info]areyougame

Made for each other, The World Ends With You (Joshua/Neku)

Title: Made for Each Other
Author: [info]rinyula
Rating: PG
Warnings: Stalking, some (mild) language.
Word count: 1,704
Prompt: The World Ends With You, Joshua/Neku, friends and enemies - I can't believe I actually trusted you
Summary: The world could end, and Joshua would still be there to annoy him.
A/N: Took the prompt very literally - hope it's okay.

It's never a good sign when he feels Joshua before he sees him. )

[info]mystiri_1 in [info]areyougame

The Morning After the Night Before, FFVII:CC, (Zack/???)

Title: The Morning After the Night Before
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: PG. R if your imagination goes somewhere strange.
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, implied drunken sex, and the rest is up to you.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Zack: regional drinks - You put the lime in the zeio nut....
Summary: Drowning his sorrows gives Zack a new problem...
A/N: Um, it's still the 18th somewhere, right?

If ShinRa was picking up the tab, there was no reason to go easy on them. )

[info]lassarina in [info]areyougame

Luxury (Final Fantasy IX, Beatrix/Garnet)

Title: Luxury
Author: Lassarina Aoibhell
Rating: G
Warnings: Vague ending spoilers.
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Beatrix/Garnet, bathing, washing hair - luxurious indulgence
Summary: This is her one luxury, for all that she is queen.
Author's Note: Eeps, I totally almost forgot to post. Well, it's still the 19th here for 26 more minutes!

Luxury )

[info]aikonamika in [info]areyougame

Absolution, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Kadaj/Cloud)

Title: Absolution
Author: Aiko Namika
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Nudity, but nothing more than a kiss. AU.
Word count: 469
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Cloud and Kadaj: touching, washing - Neither of them were accustomed to intimate physical contact; it felt like an almost guilty luxury, thinking of those whom he could no longer touch, but it felt like an anchor to humanity as well.
Summary: Being a hero doesn’t really matter, when it’s always been an illusion.
A/N: Just in under the wire! The others I owe will appear when my laptop decides that it wants to acknowledge the existence of the internet again.

“I’ll help you,” he’d whispered, and Cloud let everything else go without much regret at all. )

November 2010



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