October 11th, 2008

[info]sheikah in [info]areyougame

Which We Cannot Escape, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Ganondorf/Zelda)

Title: Which We Cannot Escape
Author/Artist: [info]sheikah
Prompt: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Ganondorf/Zelda: Prisoner - "It's not as bad as all that is it, Princess?"
Rating: G (PG at the most)
Warnings: None really.
Word count: 860
Summary: There are some fates which we cannot escape
A/N: Ganondorf was way to much fun to write.

Could you imagine how powerful we would be if we were to align ourselves? If you were to become my queen? )

[info]ex_cecaelia950 in [info]areyougame

Spente Le Stelle (Mario/Rosalina) PG

Title: Spente Le Stelle
Author: Cecaelia
Fandom: Super Mario Galaxy
Rating: PG
Warnings: almost toothache-sweet fluffy--not much sizzle, sorry. It’s also het.
Word count: 285 or thereabouts.
Summary: Mario couldn't stand to see a pretty girl cry.
A/N: This was really fun. ^_^ Mario Galaxy etc. etc. property of Nintendo; any and all errors are my own.
Prompt: Mario/Rosalina – comfort – “It gets so lonely here, sometimes, with just the Lumas.”
I am Mario/Rosalina uber-fluff. Are you game? Click me. )

[info]ibythetide in [info]areyougame

Cabin Boy, Final Fantasy xii (Balthier/Vaan)

Title: cabin boy
Author/Artist: ibythetide
Rating: pg
Word count: 748
Prompt: October 11 - Final Fantasy XII, Balthier/Vaan: Age differences - Cabin boy

i want to know why every time i rescue you people call me your cabin boy )

[info]mystiri_1 in [info]areyougame

Referee - Final Fantasy VII, (Sephiroth/Genesis)

Title: Referee
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: PG
Warnings: mild male/male sexual interaction, voyeurism/exhibitionism, and Genesis messing with Angeal's head.
Word count: ~1700
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Genesis: public display of affection - "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
Summary: Keeping the peace between Sephiroth and Genesis isn't always easy.

Angeal wondered if he was the only one who occasionally felt like he was working with two-year-olds. )

[info]threewalls in [info]areyougame

Spring Weasel, Final Fantasy XII (Fran/Balthier)

Title: Spring Weasel
Author/Artist: [info]threewalls
Rating: PG/R?
Warnings: sex pollen/heat, furry
Word count: 1095
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII, Fran/Balthier: Interspecies - It’s the differences

Summary: In the spring, a young weasel's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of... bunny.

Notes: This story takes place in a not particularly-anthro furry AU, something like Wind in the Willows or Redwall (while not being strictly based on either). It's also very loosely inspired by this vid on YouTube of a stoat hypnotising a rabbit [warnings for animal violence] that [info]logistika_nyx found me.

Spring Weasel )

November 2010



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