March 27th, 2008

[info]yohjideranged in [info]areyougame

Are you Game?

Welcome to the Are You Game fic/pic-athon!

Coming in May, you will be asked to submit prompts to the ficathon.  There is no limit to the amount of prompts you can submit.  Submitting a prompt does not obligate you to participate - just be kind enough to read and leave a comment or two!

After the prompting closes, all the prompts will be gathered and listed.

Then, a master list of prompts will be posted and you can sign up for any of the prompts by leaving a comment to the entry with your selections.  Each prompt can be claimed a total of six times - three for fic and three for art.

After you have your prompt in the bag, get a little creative!  All that is asked is that you write no less than 100 words and that you post your finished work on the day that it is due directly to the community.

More information will be provided about this asylum in May and will be posted in the user profile at that time.

Currently, the schedule looks like this:

Prompts will be accepted 12:00 AM EST June 1st until 11:59 PM EST June 12th
Claiming will begin 12:00 AM EST June 14 and will end at 11:59 PM EST June 30
Posting will be from July 1 thru July 31

Also, one request - this community will only be successful if we get enough prompt requests and writers and artists to submit work for those prompts.  So, please, if you know someone that might be interested...please pimp this community to them!

November 2010



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