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Attack on Titan OOC

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Season 2 is out! [16 Apr 2017|09:46am]

I meant to post this sooner. Season 2 for Attack on Titan is out subbed right now through funimation and basically any other anime watching site online. It's also going to be airing dubbed on Cartoon Network this upcoming Saturday (the 22nd) at technically Sunday as part of Toonami.

What are your thoughts so far if you've been watching??

[09 Mar 2017|10:24pm]

Hi, everyone! I know a lot of you are busy with everything going on and I totally get that. I'm getting over a sinus thing that I barely kept from being bronchitis myself this month. Anyway, after the IJ down time, I just wanted to write here to make sure that everyone had access to things that wanted access to this wonderful place here. I will always keep this game open for whenever you guys want to jump back into things or do whatever <3 even if it's more of a sandbox type idea. Actually, that might not even be a bad idea!

Let me know your thoughts and ideas and I'm game!

Hopefully everyone is doing well.

P.S. I will be gone myself at the end of March as I'm visiting a friend in Texas, which will also involve going to the Dallas Comic Con. And I'm so, so excited for getting to meet Mark Hamill. You have no idea <3. Not only that, but Norman Reedus and Jeffrey Dean Morgan...and a whole cast of people. If only Mercer were going, it would be a perfect comic con <3.

Just in Case you haven't seen this epic trailer yet... [19 Jan 2017|11:59pm]

So, just in case you haven't seen this epic trailer yet:

SEASON TWO TRAILER. It looks so AMAZING and I so cannot wait to see it animated!

[11 Jan 2017|11:59am]

Anyone around at all and still check in occasionally? Happy to restart anything or pick back up from wherever if anyone is still around at all. Just let us know!

Happy New Years, Everyone! [29 Dec 2016|10:00pm]

A tiny bit early, but again posting this here for anyone who happens back in here over the holiday. Happy New Year's, Everyone! Hope you all have a great holiday weekend again.

[18 Dec 2016|01:30am]

Posting early in case someone checks this. Happy holidays, everyone!

Just a reminder we are still here for a writing space whenever anyone is back around XD You guys are amazing!

Update! [28 Nov 2016|09:22am]

The holiday season is a busy time for everyone. For now, there is no official plot. Please feel free to come up with your own plots as we have always done here. This place is here to write and have fun with characters we enjoy for as long as you all are still interested. It's not going anywhere; no worries!

Please reach out to your other players for plot and such if you have an idea that may affect them. You guys are amazing and I just wanted to assure you all that no matter how slow things may be, as long as anyone is in this place, this game will be here for you all!

[24 Nov 2016|01:47pm]

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here! I'm so thankful that I've gotten to know all of you so well and for making this a fantastic game and place to write. Hope everyone is enjoying their day regardless of how you celebrate!

[13 Nov 2016|02:50pm]

So what happened with the zombie plot? We still doing it?

[09 Nov 2016|07:32pm]

Updates, as I've been chatting with Tama a bit over email! It's not cancer! I may need some surgery in the future for other things that have been discovered, but I'll keep you posted. Or try to.

That said, I'm sorry to everyone, and I'd love to plot some things! So hit me! With plots. Negan muse is especially strong right now. Hey there, Daryl. How's it goin? As is this guy. And really everyone. LOVE AND SORRIES.

Nanowrimo [26 Oct 2016|08:14pm]

Two things here!'s almost November. For many writers out there, that means it's Nanowrimo time. Who all is going to be participating?

If you want to share your links and what not, feel free post them here.

Looking to push back the plot a bit too...we want to make sure the characters signed up get to have the parts they want, so feel free to post what your characters signed up for whenever possible as long as it's in order for the sign up list. That's all!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESSIE! [21 Oct 2016|11:12pm]

So, I'm an hour early, but since OMG I get to spend more time with Bryce tomorrow, I have to post this now XD It's technically on the 22nd and I didn't want to go without posting one of these :) As always, PLEASE FEEL FREE to post more pictures! These were just a handful from the lots that I found for all of Jessie's wonderful characters.


Images under the cut...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! )

[17 Oct 2016|03:17pm]

I need to make another one of these, y'all. Please forgive me.

I have been dealing with too much lately. Both my laptop and my PC just died within days of one another, but I recently was able to replace the laptop. I'm struggling with school because I have some very serious health issues, and I'll be straight with you guys. I know I shouldn't panic until more tests are done and I know, but I'm really, really scared. And really depressed. I haven't felt much like doing anything or talking or even typing. I went into full hide my head in the sand mode and pretend it's not happening and that I can just hermit until it all goes away.

I don't want to go full sob story mode, but I'm sorry. I love this game, and I love you all. You're my friends, but I kinda shied away from everyone for a bit. I'm avoidant that way when things get to be too much. But I'm crawling back online and stuffs. I'll try and pop into AIM a bit tonight. I just. I'm so sorry. I really just kinda gave up for a while because I resigned myself to something that we're not even 100%, and I was just really discouraged from, well, basically 90% of things.

Please forgive me.

Update! [13 Oct 2016|09:48am]

Hello, everyone! This post has a few reasons. First, please reply to let us know that you've read this at least! The second part involves our plot. We've done a few things with it, but we also want to make sure everyone can participate. So, this is where we need your help. We are thinking of maybe postponing the plot due to real life events and such and we want to make sure that no one is left out here.

What we need from everyone is an estimated date as to when you'd be available more to participate in a longer plot like this. Please try to give us the best times so we can relaunch things again! We know many of you really wanted to do some things with your characters in this plot but due to things like computers dying or dealing with the hurricane, among other things, we understand why not everyone can be around right now. Real life will always come first around here so no worries! We want to work with you so we hope to hear from you soon.


[05 Oct 2016|10:42am]

Sooooooo, this is happening. Just wanted to let you all know. :\

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