InsaneJournal Announcements

Extension of Holiday Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Extension of Holiday Sale

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Do to all of your awesomeness and the extreme success of the kick off portion of the holiday sale, we've decided to extend it until Monday morning!

Thanks guys
  • No, and I dare say that might be it. That company will forever baffle me, but I appreciate your honest effort to help out a fellow. :)
    • Ah, Paypal, making things difficult. And I think I confirmed that's it by using a Danish proxy to load the initial payment page. :( The paypal URL redirects to the country in question.

      ...You might be able to get around it by editing the URL, actually. THE REST OF THE URL THAT IS HUGE

      Try changing the part I have with the question marks to 'us', so

      Alternately, have a US-based friend 'initiate' the cart and just give you the extremely long payment link to get around it.

      Always happy to try to help, though!
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