InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ad Layouts

InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ad Layouts

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I have updated the ad layouts to try to make the site easier on the eyes. This is work that I had completed some time ago but never rolled live. I decided that you guys deserved something out of me so since this wasn't going to take additional time I have rolled it out.

Right now what you will notice is that there are ads on your profile page and entry pages. If you have a paid account you will not see ads at all on the site while you are logged in.

Now for an extra bonus, if you are paid, nobody will see ads on your profile page or your entry pages. There will still be ads on other parts of the site as soon as I have time to write the code to add them in.

Sorry this took so long.

We are aware that the large square ad on the right side of the profile messes with the layout. We are going to look into a way of fixing that as soon as possible.

I have moved the second ad on the profile page from a square ad on the right to a leaderboard below "Account type" This should resolve formatting issues some were seeing.
  • Just a question on the Captchas that were implemented.

    I'm not sure if it is like this already, some people asked for an "opt out" for their community, so a good idea would be to have the Captchas not come up if the person is already logged in but posting anonymously?

    Just a thought anyway.
  • Can we PLEASE have the option of going back to how the ads looked before? I'd rather have that than what's there now. Honestly, I hate the ones at the top of my UI. I get stupid "DO YOU LIKE MILEY CYRUS" crap, which I hate seeing on my UI.
  • I keep getting white pages when I post comments to journals that aren't mine, It's happening to a few people I know as well
  • squeaky, are you going to change the current profile look to livejournal's new look? because if you are, can you please have an opt-out button? :/
    • No, we are no longer taking updates from LiveJournal. We have decided that we do not like where they are taking the codebase and will start doing our own development.
  • Please don't change the profiles to LJ, they're hideous
  • *sigh* You can't win, can you, Squeaky?

    *HUGS* I appreciate your efforts, no matter what.

    love, lore
  • Wow, people sure love to complain despite all the work you've been doing to at least TRY to make things better for people. I can deal with a few ads if it means having a reliable site with a reliable admin.
  • Umm... totally unrelated to this post but I'm a little confused as to why I can't skip past the most recent entries on my friends page anymore? We used to be able to skip past 20, but now we can't. And it's really creating a problem for us who're RPing because having to go to individual journals in order to RP is a little taxing and confusing, especially when we have several going at the same time.
  • First of all, thanks for all of your hard work. It's not easy trying to balance what works with trying to make people happy. I'm not exactly *happy* with the new ad layout, but it's not anything I can't get used to. ^^

    On the other hand, completely unrelated, but I'm also having the problem with not being able to navigate past the most recent entries on the friends pages. We've mentioned this before and were told that it had to do with the journal style and could be over-ridden. It's not. I've tried several different journal styles, as well as the override codes we were referred to. It's not that. It's the same on all journals and styles and the overrides change nothing. There is no way that I've found to see more than the last 20 most recent friends entries without going to each individual friend's journal. This causes a major inconvenience not only to those of us who RP, but also to people who are unable to get online every day and may have much more than 20 posts that they need to go back through. :( Is this going to be fixed any time soon, or is this something we are going to have to learn to deal with?
  • Thank you for all your hard work, first off.

    If I could make a suggestion - a lot of us are very reliant on PMs and they work fantastic, I don't think I've ever missed one I knew was coming. But deleting them is tedious! Each PM has to be deleted one by one, and that can take awhile. What I would suggest is a check box next to each one and a delete button on the inbox page, as well as the possibility to redirect back to the inbox after deletion. The ability to empty our trash permanently would also be great, as well as a link back to the inbox at the bottom of each message.

    Just suggestions; I know you have a lot of things to work on first but I thought I would put some ideas out there. Thank you again!
  • I've been trying to buy a name on ij, but it says it's already taken when it says that it's been deleted and purged. Is there anything you can do?
  • Squeaky, thanks for working so hard on the site. I actually don't mind the ads at all.

    My only question is - do you have any idea when Permanently Insane accounts might be going back on sale? Are you planning on having any sort of Holiday-ish sale? My paid account expires the first week of January, and I'm trying to plan ahead!
  • I'm having trouble with getting notifications with windows live mail.
  • Some comment notifications aren't coming through via email. This only seems to be a problem when I track a thread. When I'm part of the comment line or the originator of the thread, I'm getting the comment notifs just fine, but not off of subscriptions.
  • i haven't received any email notifications for the last 24 hours. i use gmail.
  • I was receiving notifications fine until 6 a.m. EST. Now I'm not getting them at all, either. Gmail user here.
  • Also a Gmail user, also not getting notifications anymore.
  • This site is impossible with the Blackberry. I can't check messages, it takes two tries to log in, and it will log into a different username sometimes. Can this be fixed at all?
  • Can't access userpics page.
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